Saturday, April 12, 2003

Yes Ladies and Genglefan... We have a winner! Mr. Austin Durant, formerly of York PA, Currently residing on the campus of Temple University, In sunny, spectacular Philly PA (Which I hear is more fun if you stay over... Yes indeed... His prize (if he'd like to claim it.. is a bottle of Tabasco brand pepper sauce! yes indeed... good good stuff that pepper sauce! So Mr. Austin Durant give us another comment and claim your prize! And yes I could imagine if I got stupid drunk.. one of two things would happen A)Not being able to feel pain i'd probably run around trying to start fights with anyone and everyone... and everyone including me would wake up hung over AND broken... the other senerio is i'd probably go curl up in a corner and cry for hours... Either way.. probably not a good thing.. they world may never know.

For the few of you how do enjoy my Jazz ramblings... I just got the Jamey Abersol Playalong Vol. 13, Which is the Cannonball Adderly hits playalong... it's pretty hot... I really pretty much suck at all the solos, I just can't figure out how cannonball rocks so hard... but ohh well, it'll be something to work at... Mercy, Mercy, Mercy sums it up just right...

There is also an honorable mention I must make... Mr. Dan Melius a long time friend (2 years almost!) but first time commentor! Lets give him a hand folks... Dan Melius!!

So the spring arts merriment is continueing, the choir rehersal went pretty well this morning... but the jazz concert wasn't so hot, I had a hard time hearing myself, and a mix of my usual suck and that made me suck for sure... But ohh well, I never liked playing outside with a big group much... the sound just dissapears.. I'd rather have some nice acoustics... or at least some bad ones... Not much else is really going on too exciting, Matt and I might watch a movie tonight... don't know what or when or for sure, but it's a possibility...

I didn't get stopped by the cops when I went for Ice Tea last night... it's a ashame really, being one of the few sober fellows on campus... it would have been fun... How nice indeed...

So keep my counter ticking... we're managing to hold about 10 hits a day on average!! So please please keep coming back here... and leave some comments so I know what you think!

Hold fast to the great image and all under heaven will come
They will come but not be harmed, rest in safety and peace,
Music and fine food will make the passerby halt.

When the way is expressed verbally,
We say such tings as "how bland and tasteless it is!"
We look for it,, but there is not enough to be seen
We listen for it, but there is not enough to be heard.
Yet, when put to use, it is inexhaustible!

198 hits on my counter so far! Maybe YOU are 200! Wouldn't you feel special... attendance has been down though.. were is everyone? Thanks to everyone who comments too... Yes especially you Janice, because you are ohh so nifty...

Anyway... I need to go, the Jazz band will be playing in a few minutes... Once that counter tops 200 then i'll blog yet again!

Hunny I miss you alot and hope your having a great weekend.. don't work too hard and I'll see you around Easter!! Love you!

I said my hell is the closet i'm stuck inside, and my heaven is a nice house in the sky, got central heating.. and i'm alright..

Friday, April 11, 2003

Well Spring Arts (Cherry Blossom festival) is here again... and for another year i'm affirmed of why I don't bother drinking... I mean I think when I'm 21, I may partake of some social drinking.. a little wine with dinner that sort of thing... but the swirl of beer and vodka guzzling masses roaming around like cattle... yeah they definentally turn me off to the whole "Party Scene". Here is the main problem... I hate stupid people.. and well, alchohol can make even the brightest person act like a retard... Now i'm sure many of you who read this enjoy alcohol.. and I apologize if i've offended any of you.. but Intoxication just doesn't strike me as a good time..... something about vommitting on myself... and staggering around, and looking generally like shit.. is not part of my self-betterment plan... It's just plain not natural...

Interestingly along those lines I saw the movie Jackass tonight... I thought it was hilarious, in that drunk people are funny kind of way... But what is scary about the movie is that as far as I can tell.. none of those guys were drunk... unfortunatally I don't think they were... it's very frightening...

yeah... I have to be up before 9... so like... I guess i'll head in.. I don't have much to say...
I'd just rather be with Erin, then stuck here this stupid idiotic weekend..

By the way... no one has noticed that my last name is spelled wrong on my headings...

What is popular is not always right, what is right is not always popular.

Mornings just aren't cool... with the exception of waking up next to someone you love... Waking up is just one of the most sucky drawn out, life sucking things a person can do.... We need a system that allows more sleep... maybe a 30 hour day or something... If we slowed down the rotation of the earth it could do the trick.. but i'm not sure if there would be any reprecussions besides lengthening our time cycle... we'd probably throw the entire balace of our worlds delicate ecosystem (Which in my opionion is tougher than we give it credit for)..... but hey at least we'd get 4 hours more sleep right? and with an extra 4 hours getting up wouldn't have been such a bear this morning... Alarm clocks are the dumbest idea ever... i'm going to find who invented them, and shoot him... because frankly... who wants to wake up early? Probably some workaholic, like the guy who invented the alarm clock... Geez... it's to early for this I tell yah..

Meditate in your own way

So as much as I have been diggin on my new found wealth of indian music... I find myself sitting here listening to the Amelie Soundtrack again.. it's just so haunting and beautiful.. it really does wonders for my state of mind.... it's just my kind of thing yah dig? I played me sax.. the Multiphonics are easy for me to get out and tons of fun too!! This could turn out to be a good project afterall! Wouldn't that just be swell beyond swell! I think so.. If only I could play my overtones, and the altissimo range as well as I do the multiphonics i'd be set... Sorry.. I guess none of that made any sense to any of you..

Then there is the matter of the Cherry Blossom Festival (previously Spring Arts) this weekend... Or rather, the everyone gets unnessisarily drunk and loud festival... one of the most irritating times of the school year if you were to ask me... My main goals tomorrow are cleaning my room and getting laundry done... that's a festival all in it's own... what makes this suck ever worse is because of the musical ensembles I am a part of that have to play during our fine festival... I don't get to see Erin at all this weekend... not even Sunday when her parents invited me along to the Olive Garden! Frankly I think it sucks alot... I'd much rather be at the Olive Garden with Erin than singing in the choir concert... but It's either sing or fail so... my hands are tied... which doesn't make me happy...

Speaking of Erin, she's sick!! (and it's not even a vacation babes!) I hate being all the way over here in Annville, all the time, but especially with her not feeling good.... i'd really really rather be there so I can take care of her... I feel very helpless stuck here and not being able to leave... I miss her, and I want to be with her, and be able to care for her since she doesn't feel well... So when you read this hunny make sure your drinking lots of fluids (water!) and eat some soup, and get some sleep and take some medication! And most importantly know how much I love you!! Cause your the most beautiful wonderful, amazing person I know!!

My computer is crappy, it spazes out on a regular basis... most of the time without so much as a warning.. random programs won't work at random times... thank goodness my blog is still funcitonal! Where else could I type the usless information I keep in my brain!! And even more importantly how would you read it!! Ok.. I need to mention a CD i'm sure 99% of you aren't into jazz... but if you were and for heaven's sake if you were a jazz major you MUST MUST MUST get yourself a copy of the Jaco Pastorius Birthday concert! It's quintisential people!!! If you need it (meaning if you don't have it) Let me know! It's a must that you have it and hear it IMMEDIATLY! NO EXCEPTIONS JAZZ MAJORS...

Freight Train, Freight Train run so fast...
Freight Train, Freight Train run so fast...
Please don't tell what train im on
they won't know what route i'm on

When i'm dead and in my grave
No more good time here I crave
Place the stones at my head and feet
tell them all that i've gone to sleep.

Sorry I know that wasn't relevant but it's the classical folk song that I was just now listening to by Elizabeth Cotten.. A fabulous Guitar player and a.. well... she's a singer too...
I just felt like sharing those spiffy little words.. but they really don't hold any signifigance for the moment!

I really should go to bed... but I'm drawn to keep typing for the moment.. at least my first class isn't until 10 tomorrow... small pleasures right? Yeah... His and Lit, Choir, a Sax Lesson... then i'm free till the saturday morning choir rehersal.... tomorrow shouldn't be too bad... although I'd find it alot more enjoyable if I could see Erin... In fact... Maybe if she doesn't mind I'll go up to see her... I'll have to ask... I couldn't stay long because of that stupid rehersal in the morning... but Even seeing her for a few minutes is worth the drive to shippensburg... I've been staring at this screen too long, I think i'm starting to halucinate... and I know I spelled that wrong... but ohh well... I just can't say I very much care about spelling.. this is my space, and i'll spel werds howlever eye whant too...

I've been having a hard time finding inspiration for my drawings... although today I manged to make my first successful go at a saxophone player... i've tried doing them a couple times but never to any avail.. but this one I think turned out pretty good... I'm going to take him to the computer lab tomorrow and scan him so I can go at him with Painter 7 and the Wacom tablet... See if my digital art abilities exceed my manual art abilities! It's hard to say.. I like drawing... and I also like Drawling out my woooooorrds... But I only need more practice at drawing, I can already drawl pretty well, at least, when I put my mind to it... I think everyone should have a blog? So why don't you yet? Because your too busy.. well that's understandable... but if it's because you don't know how to get one! go to it's fast simple and tons of fun! I mean look how much fun i'm having!! Of course that doesn't mean your enjoying reading this as much as i'm enjoying typing it... but I'd like to at least think you all enjoy what I write... or else I probably wouldn't sit around and write it..... Did that last sentence make cents? let me re-read that... Ok yeah that made sence... I did it write, or right rather... hehe... i'm really full of puns tonight... how many have you caught? I've been dropping them all over the place... you might call me a punster... an aging punster... but a punster non-the-less...

So here is a question for you.. is a hypenated word.. such as Re-evaluate... One word? or two? or is it a compound word like Doghouse... if so then what's up with the hyphen? If anyone actually knows please tell me... punctuation isn't my strong suit as you can probably tell by my plethora of periods........... .... ........ ................., ......... .......... .......... Ok I digress... I think it's time I put this old sack of guy to sleep... Yeah I said old.. are you aware that the fine children in the Annville free library youth room think I look between 25 and 30... you know how old that makes a guy feel... I had to show them my drivers license before they'd belive me that I was 20... I think i'm turning into a crochety old man.... I'm feeling much more crochetier already... So i'm going for real now to rest my weary old bones...

Trees that bend survive longer than trees that break in the wind....

Thursday, April 10, 2003

Ok... So Music history and lit has put me in this indian classical, hindu music mood... and i've found this hindu pop song.. the best I can describe it is the Hindu Ace of Base... but it rocks.. I really love it... the Hindu scale and vocal style is just really cool... and being pop this has a really catchy groove... it's just cool... I doubt you're interested in hearing it.. but if you would happen to be let me know! I'd be more than happy to play it for you...

So i've got crap loads of free time this weekend... because of choir rehersals, jazz concerts, and choir concerts i'm not really going to get to go home.. But I will get a chance to clean my living space and do some laundry!! How cool will that be! Let me just tell you... I've unfortunatlly not had the time too keep this area around me from turning to total crap... it's really just completly disgusting on all sides... I kinda have to bury myself here in the middle of it just to type this... and use my computer.. I miss my Erin... But i'll get to see her NEXT weekend... it just seems to be a very long time from now.. I miss her so much.. I can't wait till this summer when we can spend more than 2 days a week every once and again together... We have some serious catching up to do! But it's all good.. we'll be able to go to the gym everyday, and maybe do some drawing together... it'll be fun!!!

I also want to spend some time working on my sax project for Music theory class... I'm doing Sax overtones, multiphonics.. and I may slip in some sub-tone and quarter tones... I'm not sure where to find examples of them though! It's crazy... So I need to practice that a bit too.... So it's five thirty and I can't find anyone going to dinner, I hope I don't end up eating alone.. I really hate that... Most of the time i'd rather just not eat then eat by myself... Eating is a social activity.. It shouldn't be done alone...

K, i'm creativly stumped for the moment...
I'll get back to you...

Look at me, i'm dancing like a monkey!

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

This is my Blog, HEY! This is my Bloggggggg... This is my bloggy bloggy BLOG!!! Man that musical has been over for months and I still have those stupid tunes in my head... freakin catchy music... That has no right to be stuck in my head when I should be hearing acorrdian music, and nifty atonal stuff... anyway... I won't bore you with all that music major crap... either you have no clue what I'm talking about... or you've heard it a million times in all your classes already... So i'll just let sleeping dogs lie... Although i'm not too keep on having sleeping dogs lie to me... although i'm not sure how keen i'd be on them telling me the truth either! It's just be freaky! Yes Sa! So.. let see what else is news? Well Erin got the dorm room she wanted! I haven't talked to her about it, but she left me a message! So I hope that means she's having a good day! Because I want her to ALWAYS have good days! I'm going to eat dinner late, because i'm working.. but Jason is going to wait and eat with me.. then we're going to wal-mart! Also me and Mott signed up to have the Dojo Tonight! So maybe we'll get to beat the crap out of each other like we always do! Now tell me that's not fun! We signed up as "LVC Freestyle Martial arts" and added that anyone was welcome to join us... I don't know if anyone will bite on that.. but maybe someone will show up! It'd be kinda cool getting some other people who enjoy the martial arts in there working out and sparring and junk... And I'll of course have my jump rope, sparring gloves, and nunchaku with me! I really hope to spend what little is left of this year, and all summer really getting into shape... but i've told you all this before.. so i'll leave it at that...

You ever notice how Lemon juice is made with artificial flavors? And yet dishwashing liquid is made with real lemons? Is there something wrong here? Why not take the artifical stuff and put it in the dishwashing liquid, and take the real thing.. and get some decent lemon juice to make lemon squares, and lemon crumb cake, and lemon hard candy's, and frozen lemon stuff, and lemonade? Maybe it's just me....

I also think more Psychic's should be winning the lottery... especially ones where you pick numbers? Or shouldn't they know when to buy and sell on the stock market? I think alot of psychic's are really wasting their time with the whole telephone readings and stuff... Games of chance, there is where the real money is... provided of course that your psychich... or one of the Herman family.. Erin's family really has a knack for winning stuff.. So that'll be good for me in the future!

So that's all I got... At least... that's all your getting!!!! So HA!

Do... or do not. There is no try.

Yup I bet you already knew that quote! Yoda.. Yeah baby.. he's a taoist too!! Who knows maybe you are and you don't even know it!

Righty, I suppose you folks are going to want an update... As usually thank you those of you who leave comments, the rest of you, thanks for at least visiting!
So it's been a fairly good day, nothing too exciting... ohh Except of course I got a the gift I was waiting for from my future mother, father, and brother in law! and Crap if i'm not a good guesser because I was right... It's a gift certificate to Gold's Gym... Now For me that is really cool.. Not only would I want a Gym Membership there anyway... but Erin (being from a family that is extreamly lucky) won a two year membership there at a bridal show... which she got into free since she's engaged to me!! Yippie! So, what does all this mean? Well, sillys! It means that this summer I can go to the gym and work out WITH ERIN! How much is that going to rock?! I mean seriously, I wasn't all that much looking forward to this summer... but now i'm all pumped up for it! both mentally, and eventually Physically! This could not have come at a better time either.. I'm as I stated previously in desperate need to get in shape.. it's practically an obsession people... But i'm not all that motivated of an individual so it becomes difficult! Well, Thanks to this awsome gift that all can change... since I have Erin to Kick my butt... Not only will I have no good excuse to NOT go to the Gym... But I'll have someone there to keep me motivated to work hard while I am there... Get it now? This gift really rocks... which I think brings the total up to every single gift I got this birthday was totally awsome! Talk about having a good birthday whooo wee! I'll tell yah... it's some rockin stuff.. Totally rocking...

Now I think I plugged the movie Amelie in a previous blog... so now i'm going to plug the soundtrack, I fell in love with the music of this movie instantly upon watching the film, it's haunting and cryptic.. and with the exception of March of the Monsters.... Fairly happy music even amongst the hauntingnessness..... Anywho, I really like it... wanna hear some of it? Come visit me, or talk to me on ye old IM... or just get the Cd for yourself for Pete's Sake... Lazy people...

Aight... It's late and I want to get a shower before I hit the Hey... Or at least before I go to sleep... you know... So I'm going to leave this at this, and not even get into that.. Wink Wink Nudge Nudge Know what I mean, Know what I mean? Ohhh Say no more Squire! Say - No - More!

Don't Major in minor things... Or you will surly diminish! (Ouch ok, so it was a good quote till I added that last music major pun.. i'm so sorry.. it's to late for me to think too deep... I hope you have a good night anyway!)

Monday, April 07, 2003

Ok, So I've been giving you a lot of little tiny posts here and there and cheating you out of the really good long novella style blogs I usually banter about on... Well Sorry, i'm not really all that interesting of a person... But now that my birthday has been over for 1 and a half minutes, I feel it is time to sit down and really look back.. Ok just kidding, i'm not going to make you sit through that... This birthday did however make me realize how great of friends I truely have... Not only did they all get me really awsome meaningful presents... but they did so without me throwing a party and inviting them and thus making it obligatory... if that's even a word.. No I found my self on the recieving end of some honest from the heart well thoughtout gift giving.... And you know that feels really nice.... Now I'm not quite settled yet though..... because my mother in law (Well soon to be Mother in Law) has apperently sent me a present in the mail.. Although... It hasn't arrived yet..... I have NO CLUE what it is... and well, that's making me jittery for it to get here.. I'm not a surprize person... I want to know things!! I'm nosey like that! I thought I had a good guess, well it was a good guess, but Erin informed me that it wasn't right... as to what it was..... So now i'm stumped...... Anticipation stinks... Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutt I guess that's part of the fun... I guess..... Ohh well, My Wacom tablet has completly replaced my mouse, I don't think i'll ever use a mouse at my computer again... With the exception of maybe the Wacom Mouse... So i'm going to send my nifty lazer eye mouse back home, it'll be happier there on that nifty fast computer of my dad's anyway... where it can roam free in a mousy fast processor wonderland! Ohh and if anyone is reading this and is feeling bad for forgetting my birthday... get me a jar of tabasco habernero sauce try for that one... I think it might have even more kick than my normal stuff! Crazy... On that note, I belive I've burnt off at least half of my taste buds... things that other people find sourchingly hot, I find to have a nice mild flavor to them... This is not good! Has my love of spicy food become parallell in signifigace to a drug addiction! Sure a teaspoon of tabasco will do it for me now... but what happens when just a teaspoon isn't enough... what about when I start needing stronger hotter sauces to get myself to that nose running, eye watering high! Will I start selling all my personal possessions to be able to afford more hot sauce! Am I stuck in a dangerous spriral that will leave me homeless drinking tabasco straight from the bottle! Dreary days are ahead I fear.....

Ok.. hehe, don't know where that came from, but I was serious about hot stuff not being all that hot to me... Ohh well for now, pour it on your pizza and raise that pizza high! For I love tabasco and I am proud! Or at least, well fed.... Speaking of which, I need to hit the gym more, and the cafeteria less... I have a spare tire that is just too big... I mean would it be all that much to ask for me to be really buff, and hot, and like... not fat? I don't think so, why does my body dissagree? If anybody needs like an extra 100 pounds of fat... let me know, I'm donating free of charge... I'm not in terrible shape, i'm hardly obese... but I could definentally be more physically fit, and ALOT nicer to look at... and some bulging muscles would be nice too... This is a for me thing... It's not like I have to impress oodles of girls... there is only one girl I feel a need to impress and that's my mom....... UMMM NO it's Erin of course! And I know she loves me how I am... but I bet she'd love me if I was 50 pounds lighter and had some ripples instead of rolls! Ohh well, just a dream for now...but Man I hope it's an eventual reality... and what with me feeling older by the minute...Yeah i'm offically 20 now, although (especially with my current back problem) I feel like i'm 40... I'd just rather get in shape now, before i'm way to old to stand a fighting chance of ever looking good... This summer, but starting now, snow on the ground or not... I WILL loose 50 pounds... and gain a proportional amount of muscle perferably, in my shoulders, back, chest and arms..... This needs to be done... not for anyone but me... So if you see me going for a cookie, slap my hand.... if I should be in the gym or the Dojo, kick my ass and get me moving... I just can't take looking like this anymore! So there! Stick that in your blunt and smoke it!

Ok your quote for tonight is out of a comic book.... but it's hardcore taoism trust me...

Act without doing
Work without effort
Think of the small as large
and the few as many
Accomplish the greak task
by a series of small acts
The true master doesn't try to be powerful
Thus, he is truely powerful

Mean Mr. Mustard Sleeps in the park, shaves in the dark try'n to save paper....

But it's my birthday, and Damn thanks to all my friends, I think It's been the best ever.... The snow cancelled evening classes.... and work, giving me all afternoon and evening free... which is fine by me... I got so much cool stuff from so many cool people... Erin, Lindsay, Melius, Janice.... It was really unexpected and not nessisary you guys, but it was very appreciated and I can thank you enough for really feeling loved I tell yah... So not much going on, I took some Ibupropherin and my back didn't feel to bad today, made some nunchaku work and light streching will finish off my recovery... We'll see... It's been a nice normal, regular day... Dunno quite how to take it... it's ok though, i'm sure tomorrow will find someway to suck!! Can't have too much of a good thing all at once! Yippie for this being our LAST FULL WEEK OF SCHOOL! Now if I could just find a summer job.. maybe that's what i'll go do now...

When you told me, you didn't need me anymore, well you know I nearly broke down and dy-e-i-e-ied

Ok, it's almost three O'clock i'm tired as crap, There is a reason for this though, i'll give you the full story tomorrow, but so as to not leave you hanging, here is the sparknotes of my day...

Get present from lindsAy at church - good
Lunch at Chi-Chi's - good
parent's make me feel like crap - bad
wacom tablet doesn't work right and computer spazzes out - bad
Dan Melius and Janice buy me Bruce Lee Box set - Super good!
I don't get to call Erin at all - bad
Erase harddrive - bad, but computer and wacom work great - good
three o'clock in the morning - bad
Back feels better - good
class at 9 - bad

that's an even five for five... not too hot, that's a 50 percent

sigh.......I have the best worst life ever! I'll give a full account tomorrow

You can tell ones worth by the friends he keeps...