Monday, July 16, 2007

I'm bored clean off my rocker. Lately i've been teaching lessons at a (semi) Local music store. It's a rather nice environment, and I have slowly been building a nice clientel of students. but sometimes I have monotanously long breaks and no where to go.
Teaching has been fine. But Musicially I feel very frustrated. Minus writing half a piano piece I just have no motivation. Actually life in general has (for the most part) just been tiring lately.
I think a lot of what has me run down is that i'm a very jaded person. Because of this, it's dawning on me, that I really don't believe in much. I have faith in just about nothing. This is actually a problem. I think faith is important. Not even religious faith nessisarily, but that is certainly one kind.
I feel like i don't truely believe in anything anymore. How horridly depressing is that? What's worse, is I really have no clue what to do about it. I could try just blindly putting my all into something. But chances are it would feel fake, and that would be worse than maybe where I am now. Just pretending that is.. that everything is hunky dory. But what do you do.



At 9:05 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Dan. It's Troxy. Just wondering how life's going?

I read your post about not having faith in much of anything. How's that been going since your actual post?

I'd say it depends on whether or not you believe in truth. And if truth can exist, then it is possible to have faith in something. Yet, if truth is not possible, then faith is not. For how can you have faith in something that is false? And if everything is false, then nothing can be true and there can be no faith.

I personally disagree with the idea that there can be no truth.
I haven't heard any logical argument for the refutation of the exist of truth.

I have met truth and thus I have faith.

"Jesus Christ is truth and God Almighty."

What do you think about this statement?

-May the eyes of your heart be opened-



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