Saturday, February 07, 2004

Boring saturday... sittin around by myself, so bored... meh

Friday, February 06, 2004

Well still no cancelled school... BUT A TWO HOUR DELAY, which in effect cancelled all my morning classes, which is cool, and by cool I mean totally awsome. Now All I have for today is choir and a lesson. I'm actually getting some laundry done too... ahh. clean underware... at the moment i'm waiting for my pants to dry. Because wet pants are so unappreciated.
Umm, in other news, no new is good news.

Appreciate the pitcher less, and the water more.

Thursday, February 05, 2004

New posts... so hard when you live a boring life... yah?? Still, lots of things sort of going on... I guess.... Not tomorrow, but the next friday is Valentine's day. That's three years for me and mine folks! A long time, and I must say, the best three years of my life. The best part is, I got my Finacee The coolest present... it's so cool, I can't tell you what it is, but if your not Erin, and would like to know you can always drop me a line... and no sending spies darlin... that's not fair game :)...
Also it's worth mentioning that it's cold as balls outside.. and last night, it was cold as balls inside too... but for two nights in a row now... I have found THE PERFECT sleeping position.. you know, just the right temperature in the room, with just the right amount of blankets covering you in JUST the right lay on the bed... ohh my, it's heavenly.
Really all I want is another weekend with Erin.. they are always the best
I also want maelstorms of snow, so that they FINALL CANCEL FREAKIN CLASS... which has NOT happened even amongst this completly redic weather.
Bah, stupid school.

Monday, February 02, 2004

Yippie! Questions make me happy so i'll answer them first.

A) My sister never drives her car because she only has a permit. If she were to drive it, it would be illegal and getting pulled over would be a real mess.

B) Our dear Meeka had a heart attack and passed out dead at my sister's feet when they got home from vacation. It was sad, and my family was more attacked to the dear dog then we all cared to admit. So instead of going with the original plan of new carpet, we got Ellie instead... who is feeling better, but for the time being can't or won't use her back leg, so she's nicknamed tripod or hopalong, either or until her trip to the orthopedic surgeon, then hopefully she'll be a new puppy... Meeka is missed, but I must admit me and Ellie are better friends... and Ellie likes people too.. which is a plus.

Now this weekend... whew buddy. This was the best weekend ever, and by ever, i mean like, ever... I got to spend friday night till sun afternoon with Erin. And no one really needs details but we had a great time, we went to dinner, then watched Once a Time in Mexico, well Erin slept through alot of it... but it was late and That's fine :), The next day we played pool 11 games of pool, it was crazy but we had a good time, I won 7-4 but only because Erin was out of practice, once she's back in full form I won't stand a chance. We ate lunch at sheetz, and we had chef boyardee sunday, and it was alot of fun and it was just a great time... ohh why did it have to end.

So in case you were wondering I did watch the superbowl, I did route for the Patriots and I'm not the biggest football fan, but I watched the whole game and was definentally on the edge of my seat at the end of that game... If you didn't see it, well, good for you for not being a media whore... but it was a good game.. lol

Ohh dear, not much else to talk about really. Have fun kids.