Friday, August 04, 2006

let's talk thursday at the beach... now i've been avoiding this subject all week here. But i can't bite my tounge any longer. America... or at least myrtle beach south carolina, has a severe weight problem. We have bred a society where it is ok to be way too overweight... now i know what you're thinking... hey fatty, you don't have any room to talk... and while i'd normally agree with you. Everywhere we go, my family is among the SMALLER people in the crowd... which if you know us is rediculous, we're big people... but here, we're like goldfish in the ocean. It's disgusting in a way... people must have good self confidence, because there are things walking around in bikini's that just shouldn't be. Now i'm not much to look at... but you don't understand the scope of this problem. I lost 11 pounds in the 2 weeks prior to leaving for the beach... and frankly, I have full intention of getting back on my diet harder than ever when i get home. Because, jesus, you can't even imagine... it's creepy... i like my girls with a little extra weight... you know a few extra pounds... but when your gut rolls itself out over the edge of your swimsuit, yikes... you shouldn't be in a bikini.. I personally think a little extra pudge can even be very very attractive... perhaps a renassisance era feeling of feminine beauty.... but poor leonardo wouldn't have been able to find a canvas big enough for some of the people here. I know it's rude, but things are out of hand... till i go to the beach next year... i want to loose at least 60 more pounds... nuff said... Seeing the people walking around is all the motivation i need... ohh by the way, there should not be 11 year old kids looking heavier than me... Look mom, dad, i know you're trying to be good parents, but stop feeding them, and make their ass go for a jog... infact, get your ass out there with them... Drop the goddamn fork, stop buying anything with more than 300 calories in it.. and get your life back... Diabetes, Heart attack, cancer, high blood pressure. Do you enjoy all the pills your taking? Is eating 25 pounds of crab legs worth a stroke? I mean, we can't all be chuck norris... but i can't imagine that's the best you can do... Ugh.. once i get home i'm not sure i'm going to be able to eat... I feel an anorexic spell coming on... I love food, and I love to cook... but serious, you are making me wonder.

Much love,

P.S.- It's one thirty, and you DO NOT need a snack.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

ahhhhh another fine day at the beach, it's wednesday. each night i've been walking (alone) down the beach listening over the playlist i've created for myself. In case you don't know about the playlist.. it is a challenge i've issued to all my friends... if you haven't heard about it, it's either A) because i don't have your e-mail redily available, or B) because i just haven't mentioned it yet. but you all may participate. I want each of everyone to make a compilation Cd for a roadtrip, that represents you. not what you'd think i'd like. but to represent you. there are very few rules...
- it can only be 1 CD long
and... well, that's it. One disc, for a roadtrip, that represents you. I mention it here, because creating my own disc has been a delightfully revealing process... i've listened to each of my tunes many many times. at least 50 each i'm sure. i'm starting to think it's a list of music that really really represents me, maybe not how people see me, but at least how i see myself. So here i'll write my current playlist, although it's still open for small tweaks, maybe later on i'll expound on the deeper meanings of these songs for me, but for now, i'll just put up a playlist.

1- Overture - asuka Sakai/yu miyake - Katamari Damacy Soundtrack
2- Melody - Molly Johnson - Blue Note Trip, sunrise
3- Pilate's Dream - Jesus christ superstar OST
4- Stitched Up - Harbie Hancock feat. John Mayer - Possibilities
5- Somerset - Bela Fleck - Inroads
6- Politik - Coldplay - A rush of blood to the head
7- Don't wait too long - Madeleine Peyroux - Don't wait too long
8- Pop is dead - Radiohead - Rarities
9- Virtual Insanity - Jamiroquai - Traveling Without Moving
10- Her Majesty - The Beatles - Abby Road
11- Pranging Out - The Streets - The Hardest way to make and Easy Living
12- My Red Hot Car - Squarepusher - Go Plastic
13- Somersault(dangermouse Remix) feat MF doom - Zero 7 - Zero 7 EP
14- Ask DNA - Yoko Kanno - cowboy bebop movie OST
15- Cigarettes and chocolate milk - Rufus Wainwright - Live at the World Cafe
16- Out of my head - Fastball - All the pain money can buy
17- Sway - Dean Martin
18- Wind - Akebosi- Naruto best hits collection
19- No way back - Nujabes and Fat Jon - Samurai Champloo, Departure
20- While My Lady Sleeps - John Coltrane - Coltrane

So there you go, other good things happened yesterday. hopefully more good things will come from the good things that happened. But only time can answer questions like that. hopefully more good things will happen today. but right now, i think i'm going to go investigate the arcade at our dear resort. Until then, I hope I find you well. Make them CD's and send em my way. I can think of no better way to capture the essense of those I hold most dear.

Monday, July 31, 2006

well it's the end of a fine monday. a fine monday at the beach... i've eaten too much, and have started a decent tan... well, the start of a decent tan. Other good news was me putting my swimsuit on this morning and realizing that tied it's tightest, i still had a free 4 inches or so.. which while it meant my swimsuit was difficult to use at the beach today, i hit me up some adidas outlet, and now have a smaller, if not cooler swimsuit. Walking on the beach is nice, and it may seem corny but it makes me really miss having a girlfriend. it'd be much nicer to walk down the beach holding hands with someone. but I guess it just wasn't in the cards for this yeah. but even 12 hours away, there is someone i've had on my mind though. but as usual i dare not jump to any conclusions.
I'll keep you updated through the week. i hope i find you well.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

So, i'm at the beach, myrtle beach. and we have wireless internet, ohh yeah, that's right. We're really roughing it. So here we are, I will maybe update and let you know how the beach is going... and when i get back i'll hopefully have a slew of photographs for you. ohh and by the way... the water is amazing and warm. There are a lot of really fat people on the beach, and way too many golf carts... but other than that... it's lookin like a good week. Catch you chillun's later.