Friday, November 21, 2003

Jazz so good, best ever played, most fun ever had.. jazz good... good jazz

So today was thursday, and overall it was kinda dull... we played some pool in the evening and that was good... but overall it was a mostly boring day.. However tomorrow is the Small Jazz Concert, and I FINALLY get to wear the jacket i've been saving all summer... I think I might even lost enough weight to look good in it :) boy I hope I look good in it... I should run to wal-mart though and buy some shoe polish... maybe one of my ever helpful roomies will have some, it's just so hard to tell...

As I said last night, today was my anniversary, and I didn't get to see, or talk to Erin much... but that's ok, because it's almost thanksgiving break and we're going to have a really super fun time, I know it, I just know it! Maybe i'll even pitch my Erin into some furniture :)

Really overall, today was just a transition day... for tomorrow, which i'm excited, really excited... really super excited, if Salamander Roadkill is as turned on as they were yesterday... wow, it's going to be a mad crazy concert... I can't wait...

So it's off to bed... It's a sitar music night... so i'm going to listen to sitar music, maybe meditate a little bit... yeah... sleep... good

Does anyone read this? I know you do sweetie :) but if anyone who i'm not going to marry reads this.. could you leave a comment? i'd really like it... I really really would... :) thanks...


Thursday, November 20, 2003

Wow, if last night was the best jazz rehersal of my life... tonight was by far and large, the most spectacular fun awsome great and may I add wonderful concert of my exsistence, as I said, both the bands played, and well... They both rocked just about as hard as they possibly could... all the high school kids there for the festival we're totally digging it to... then to put a rich creamy icing on this wild ass cake, Mr. Strohman, Andy Roberts, and the two other judicators both took two choruses of improv on our last small jazz tune... let's just say that the high school kids weren't the only people with their jaws on the floor at that point.. man.. crazy crazy crazy.

So because it's so late at night, I might mention that this date is so very super fantastically important to me, so important that even admist the best concert of my life-to-date, this is even cooler. Today's date marks exactly the happiest 2 years and 8 months of my life.. yup me and Erin have been together that long... and that's only the tip of the iceburg compaired to how long we're GOING to be together... :) I love you sweetie, and you bet your ass I wouldn't forget :) sigh... I love you.

Umm, other things happened today, but compaired to that concert, and my anniversary, they're just not worth mentioning... So, yeah... unfortunatally tomorrow is the only day this week that I don't get to play jazz. but that's ok because the small jazz concert is friday... :) so much fun... unfortunatally playing juries are saturday... blech.. thank goodness the piano playing tests have been put off two weeks, that's a HUGE weight off my shoulders.. seriously. Anywho, bed would be most important about this point in the day... So I think I will take to it.. yah. I will.

If God controls time, then everything is set.

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Tonight might have been my favorite night of big jazz ever, the band played really super well.. I didn't play my best... my reed sucked, I just wasn't getting my normal sound... but even still everything was just super tight and super cool, and a good time was had by all, and it just worked out really great... Tomorrow is the Sinfonia Jazz Fest, So I get to play both with big jazz, and Salamander Roadkill (aka, small jazz) it's going to be a super hot night, especially since both Mr. Strohman and Andy Roberts might jam on a couple of tunes with our small group... I mean, the two of them against us would make us look REALLY bad, but playing with us! We're going to rock.

So although i've been in a super good mood lately, and everything is going pretty well (amazing). I've really been feeling more and more like something isn't quite right, it's a little weird and really hard to describe, but it's like i'm in some other dimension that is exactly like my normal world... and sometime intangible just isn't matching up right... it's kind of an odd feeling... and i'm not quite sure what to do about it? Maybe I need to start working out again... or spend some serious time meditating (or both at the same time (yes physical activity can be a great means of meditation if done right)) But I definentally feel like the balance in my life is off.. and maybe i'm just a little supersticious or something... but it's really starting to weird me out... Sigh... I dunno, i'll let you know if I work it out... I haven't payed much attention to any of the spiritual aspects of my life much lately, and minus my diet, I have done much for myself physically.... It must be it... but I dunno.....

So, today is going to be so busy, it shall be dubbed the day from hell... So i'll let you know how the day from hell goes... and yeah..

and just because it hasn't been said yet... I LOVE ERIN! ALOT DAMMIT!

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

So today in my 8 o'clock class, the old woman who is our teacher, showed us a video of an old woman, showing a video of and old woman teaching a class... yes, a video camera recording of a TV VCR playing a video, it was quite possibly the biggest waste of time i've ever experienced in my short, nerve racking life...

Why do I get up for this crap?

So the big post I made, just got deleted, I thought it saved it... but I don't know how to find it... ain't that the crap ohh well, here we go again!

This might not be as detailed, but who knows, it might be more detailed!

Jazz band was super awsome cool tonight, i'm really excited about this concert friday, it's going to really rock pretty hard... In the grand scheme of the earth it isn't that huge and event... so I just want everyone to go out and have fun and look like they're having fun, and hopefully the people listening will catch that and have some fun too... and in the end that's what all dis jazz is all about, just having some good fun... which I think we're going to do.

On the other end of things, my Erin is sick... :( I offered to bring her anything she might need, like real food, or anything... but she wouldn't let me, She's stubborn, but I love her for it... But seriously sweetie, if you need something let me know... i'll get it to you right fast... I love you alot... GET BETTER, don't work too hard either.

Umm, what else, not much else...

I did the "Dan really needs to get a paycheck" dash today, I realized in the morning that pay sheets had to be in, so as soon as my 2 o'clock class was over, I ran to the library to get vic(my boss) to sign the paper work i needed signed and myt imes sheets, than ran up to the bussiness office to give them to dottie(the woman who makes sure I get money for working) and I made it like... just in the nick of time, she was just getting to Annville Library paychecks... so I get payed next week... AHhhhh... big relief, sometimes I really wish I wasn't so scatterbrained.

I know I rant about it alot... and i'm sorry if it gets old for anyone, but I really really love my Erin... I don't think she really knows just how happy she makes me feel.. and we've really grown through a big part of our lives together... and through it all she's just made me the crap happiest guy I think I could ever be... and I love her for it.

I think it's worth mentioning, that our dear friend Randy James has joined the ranks of Me, and Matt Wensel by getting engaged over the weekend... I know you probably don't read this, but Congrats Randy... it feels real good doesn't it? :) Yeah, I know the feeling... it's even better when that feeling doesn't go away...

I got it bad... and it's all good.

Sunday, November 16, 2003

Another busy week ahead of me and what am I doing? Staying up too late is what I'm doing, and it just isn't good... there is nothing that is a good idea about this? so why don't I go to bed you ask? I dunno, i'm kinda like an insomniac... except I can sleep... I think I have ADHD (which is the modern term for ADD for all you non child physcology class taking people) and i'm too easily distracted to go to bed? make sense... no probably not... but that's what's going on anyway... sigh..

Ohh well, I had a MARVELOUS weekend, I got to spend it with erin and I accidentally threw her off my bed and into the dresser, which oddly seemed like back when we we're first dating, and that was just one of those things that made the whole weekend with her just really wonderful and nice... like always :)

Sigh, I know why I don't go to bed... it's cause I can't stop thinking of Erin... she's THAT cute.

y o u r | t h o u g h t s
I know: That life needs balance
I want: and 8th day to the week that only involves me doing nothing of importance
I wish: Everyone could live the life they choose
I hate: the ignorant
I fear: A world without music
I hear: Warcraft III the frozen throne overlayed with the trigun soundtrack
I search: For questions with no answers
I wonder: while I wander
I regret: Nothing
I love: My ERIN!... duh