Thursday, November 20, 2003

Wow, if last night was the best jazz rehersal of my life... tonight was by far and large, the most spectacular fun awsome great and may I add wonderful concert of my exsistence, as I said, both the bands played, and well... They both rocked just about as hard as they possibly could... all the high school kids there for the festival we're totally digging it to... then to put a rich creamy icing on this wild ass cake, Mr. Strohman, Andy Roberts, and the two other judicators both took two choruses of improv on our last small jazz tune... let's just say that the high school kids weren't the only people with their jaws on the floor at that point.. man.. crazy crazy crazy.

So because it's so late at night, I might mention that this date is so very super fantastically important to me, so important that even admist the best concert of my life-to-date, this is even cooler. Today's date marks exactly the happiest 2 years and 8 months of my life.. yup me and Erin have been together that long... and that's only the tip of the iceburg compaired to how long we're GOING to be together... :) I love you sweetie, and you bet your ass I wouldn't forget :) sigh... I love you.

Umm, other things happened today, but compaired to that concert, and my anniversary, they're just not worth mentioning... So, yeah... unfortunatally tomorrow is the only day this week that I don't get to play jazz. but that's ok because the small jazz concert is friday... :) so much fun... unfortunatally playing juries are saturday... blech.. thank goodness the piano playing tests have been put off two weeks, that's a HUGE weight off my shoulders.. seriously. Anywho, bed would be most important about this point in the day... So I think I will take to it.. yah. I will.

If God controls time, then everything is set.


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