Tuesday, November 18, 2003

So the big post I made, just got deleted, I thought it saved it... but I don't know how to find it... ain't that the crap ohh well, here we go again!

This might not be as detailed, but who knows, it might be more detailed!

Jazz band was super awsome cool tonight, i'm really excited about this concert friday, it's going to really rock pretty hard... In the grand scheme of the earth it isn't that huge and event... so I just want everyone to go out and have fun and look like they're having fun, and hopefully the people listening will catch that and have some fun too... and in the end that's what all dis jazz is all about, just having some good fun... which I think we're going to do.

On the other end of things, my Erin is sick... :( I offered to bring her anything she might need, like real food, or anything... but she wouldn't let me, She's stubborn, but I love her for it... But seriously sweetie, if you need something let me know... i'll get it to you right fast... I love you alot... GET BETTER, don't work too hard either.

Umm, what else, not much else...

I did the "Dan really needs to get a paycheck" dash today, I realized in the morning that pay sheets had to be in, so as soon as my 2 o'clock class was over, I ran to the library to get vic(my boss) to sign the paper work i needed signed and myt imes sheets, than ran up to the bussiness office to give them to dottie(the woman who makes sure I get money for working) and I made it like... just in the nick of time, she was just getting to Annville Library paychecks... so I get payed next week... AHhhhh... big relief, sometimes I really wish I wasn't so scatterbrained.

I know I rant about it alot... and i'm sorry if it gets old for anyone, but I really really love my Erin... I don't think she really knows just how happy she makes me feel.. and we've really grown through a big part of our lives together... and through it all she's just made me the crap happiest guy I think I could ever be... and I love her for it.

I think it's worth mentioning, that our dear friend Randy James has joined the ranks of Me, and Matt Wensel by getting engaged over the weekend... I know you probably don't read this, but Congrats Randy... it feels real good doesn't it? :) Yeah, I know the feeling... it's even better when that feeling doesn't go away...

I got it bad... and it's all good.


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