Wednesday, November 12, 2003

So let's see what going down, not much really, This week is going fast, and i'm finally starting to feel like i've caught up on some of my work... Some mind you, I still have a thousand odd things to get done, but it's all good, as long as I can survive teaching on friday, This really isn't a great week for it, but it'll have to do anyway. It's been over a full week since I started my diet, I haven't cheated at all :) which i'm rather proud of, I definentally feel like i've lost a few pounds... not hardly enough, but a few anyway.... Won't know for sure till I go home this weekend and face.... THE SCALE! ahh yes, whoever invented it should be shot... I guess it's good for weighing food, and weighing Elements or whatever cute chemists with nice butts (actually I only know one cute chemist with a nice butt...) use, but whoever invented one for weighing people.... not a good idea dude.

Umm, i'm brain dead, so i'll write more, probably obnoxiously soon.


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