Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Ok, today hasn't been all that great, but i'm in a better mood than yesterday anyway... partially thanks to Bobby McFerrin, he gave me a good talking too and helped improve my mood... but i'm still not 100 percent. My diet has been going well however, I realize it's only day two, but I haven't cheated, not one little bit, and that's a good thing, as long as I can keep up with it... But i'm determined, even if it kills me, which it won't, it'll make me loose weight! In case you were wondering why I've decided to go on a diet (again) let me tell you... I've been eating like a pig so far this semester. and frankly i'm only 10 or so pounds from being back at my heaviest... I know your itching to ask... just how much do I currently weigh... well i'm no girl, so i'll tell you. 250, yeah I know, shocking... half way to 500 which is also a quater of a 1,000... yeah so i'm nearly a quarter ton... that's just too heavy... much much too heavy... So i'm doing something about it... and why atkins you ask? Well again, I will tell you.... because there are alot of guys i'm friends with up here, on it... and in most cases... it's working really really well... So i've decided to give it a shot... Sigh... too fat... but it's ok... other than that, what's going on.. let me think, I know there was something... but what? I don't really remember... I started watching High Fidelity in the UG today, I really enjoyed it, I may have to get it out of the library and give it a good watching over.. speaking of movies, matrix revolutions has started today, i'm both anxious about seeing it, and dreading seeing it... So I dunno I may go tonight, depends what meals decides to do... i'm still on the fence about it... I'm not sure yet. I also seem to have lost my train of thought.

I love you sweetie :) for me! cause your great!


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