Friday, October 24, 2003

Hard to imagine, but I actually bought a CD tonight! Yes Paid in full, for an ACTUAL not Pirated copy... I don't plan on making it a habbit, but I got Original Pirate Material by The Streets, I already had all the songs...but it's an album so good I couldn't help but buy it......... I totally dig it.. and it came with music videos!!! score!

So if anyone reads this, and doesn't yet know, it's been a REALLY LONG TIME since I last saw Erin, it certainly puts alot of strain on me, but it's ok, i've been doing my best to stay happy regardless, and with more of less success I guess i'm happy... it's just late at this point, and that's when it's the worst, so i'm going to type to try to ease myself... if that makes any sence... It doesn't help that i'm listening to my new album, which isn't sad, but makes me feel somehow nostalgic, it's hard to explain, but i'm trying to maintain a mood, i'm at home, that's not helping either, I feel so alone here... which I don't really understand... but it's how it is... again, the nostalga, I should just go to bed, and hope to have nice dreams (which co-incidentally never happens, I haven't drempt about anything in quite some time, it kinda worries me, people without dreams aren't people) anyway i'm a night owl, and I told dad i'd wait up for Tara (my sister) to come back from the movies... so here I sit, relativly bored, definentally by myself, and missing the thing I need most.... but I feel pathetic sometimes... but i'm holding my mood, or maybe not :) kind of ironic... sleep will help though... and marching band tomorrow, won't get her off my mind, but will distract my senses... if that makes a sence I don't know... When you most need to get up you have no energy... how true... how true.... ahhhh, nothing more to write, maybe ninja's will attack me, liven things up... i'm just trying to stay positive.

For mark! No sooner was I fairly found
Pledged to the plain, after a pace or two,
Than, pausing to throw backwards a last view
O'er the safe road, 'twas gone; grey plain all round;
Nothing but plain to the horizon's bound.
I might go on, naught else remained to do.


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