Wednesday, October 22, 2003

I'm like crazy hungry, today has actually been a semi-torerable day... As in not bad, Strohman told me today at my lesson that my sound on my jazz mouthpiece is totally killer, so that made me happy at least... it's so nice to actually feel like i've accomplished something with my life, no matter how trivial... It's important to me anyway... So i've started re-reading Steven King's the Dark Tower series, so it'll be fresh in my mind for the release of book 5 and sometime next year books 6 and 7 and then it'll be done, and that'll be one finished series in my life.. although definentally one of the best... I just wish Robert Jordan would get a move on with the Wheel of Time, I still want to read the newest one, even though it's apperently 600+ pages of nothing happening... but ohh well, hopefully he'll pick it up...

Ahh Maceo Parker, good player, song is making me feel good, shame it'll be over soon... it's still a painful 40 minutes untill I get to eat my only meal of the day... but at least i'll be in good company, Jason Bachman and Dan Melius... Good company is worth finding I tell yah... This week is somehow going blessedly quick, although I still have quite alot to accomplish, conducting recetatives, making a lesson plan, and an observation (so much for sleeping in fridays) Ohh well, That's enough from me for now.

For, what with my whole world-wide wandering,
What with my search drawn out through years, my hope
Dwindled into a ghost not fit to cope
With that obstreperous joy success would bring,
I hardly tried now to rebuke the spring
My heart made, finding failure in its scope.


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