Monday, October 20, 2003

So life has reached a new blah... it's not nessisarily bad, not really good either... just blah... blah blah blah, notthing interesting is hhappening, I hope small jazz can briing thiss to and end tonight... not that there are many people reading thiis... sometimess it feels like i'm talking to mmyself, well I am, but that's beyyond the point... i need this blah to end, end, end... END I SAY... At lleast my computer iis fully ffunctional, I didn't teest the burner but itt's in there, aand it's recognized, so i'm assuming (dangerous I know) but i'm assuming it workks... sorry my updating has beeen sporadiic, I'll ttry too keep it alittle morre constant in the coming days, more updates on a dailly basis... it's my aniveersary todaay 2 years 7 months, and it feels like it's been that long since i've seen Erin, but it's ok, we're busy and it's just what we need to deal with... i'll wait for her forever, but somedays feel like forevver, Love you sweeetiie! whenever I see you I know itt'll be worth the wait...

The Marching band took 1st place at the Dillsburg parade, although apperently two fo my saxophones had an altercation... So I didn't have to deal with it yet, but i'm sure i'll have to soon. Apperently one of them (know who but i'm not naming names) told another member of the section that they're a worthless piece of shit, and an embarrassment to the section... while this may or may not be true, it shouldn't have been said, it's obviously not going to help anything... I understand her frustration, it doesn't mean she was right for vocalizing it that way... ohh well, highschool politics, I could write a book.

I want to write a Jazz book for saxophone, I wonder if I did it, if I could manage to get it published... it'd be interesting to find out... Get a company to publish it, it's just a thought, it's probably never going to get done, and I don't really have alot of credibility to sell it on top of that... but I think it would be neat. I've just decided that i'm going to include a subliminal message in this blog... maybe you'll be able to find it.. yup now it's definentally there, my subliminal message... creepy huh.. that I might have put a suggestion in your brain... it shouldn't be that hard to figure out though... well that just made my life seem a little more interesting, it's wearing off fast, but still...


A drunken punchup at a wedding


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