Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Tonight might have been my favorite night of big jazz ever, the band played really super well.. I didn't play my best... my reed sucked, I just wasn't getting my normal sound... but even still everything was just super tight and super cool, and a good time was had by all, and it just worked out really great... Tomorrow is the Sinfonia Jazz Fest, So I get to play both with big jazz, and Salamander Roadkill (aka, small jazz) it's going to be a super hot night, especially since both Mr. Strohman and Andy Roberts might jam on a couple of tunes with our small group... I mean, the two of them against us would make us look REALLY bad, but playing with us! We're going to rock.

So although i've been in a super good mood lately, and everything is going pretty well (amazing). I've really been feeling more and more like something isn't quite right, it's a little weird and really hard to describe, but it's like i'm in some other dimension that is exactly like my normal world... and sometime intangible just isn't matching up right... it's kind of an odd feeling... and i'm not quite sure what to do about it? Maybe I need to start working out again... or spend some serious time meditating (or both at the same time (yes physical activity can be a great means of meditation if done right)) But I definentally feel like the balance in my life is off.. and maybe i'm just a little supersticious or something... but it's really starting to weird me out... Sigh... I dunno, i'll let you know if I work it out... I haven't payed much attention to any of the spiritual aspects of my life much lately, and minus my diet, I have done much for myself physically.... It must be it... but I dunno.....

So, today is going to be so busy, it shall be dubbed the day from hell... So i'll let you know how the day from hell goes... and yeah..

and just because it hasn't been said yet... I LOVE ERIN! ALOT DAMMIT!


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