Friday, November 07, 2003


Well I suppose you all deserve an update at this juntion of the evening.. umm not much going on really... glad the week is over for sure, tomorrow is the big jazz band concert, i'm not sure all the groups are completly ready for the concert, but a few of our tunes are sounding pretty good... so we'll see, I went to the mall and got myself a new dress shirt.. I really wanted to look nice tomorrow, especially since my ERIN IS COMING! Although she can't stay real long, it'll be nice to see her anyway... I really miss her alot... ummm saw the new matrix, not sure if I mentioned that ahh i guess i didn't yes, last night (wednesday night) I went and saw it... it was both more than I expected and less than I expected, i'm not going to go into great detail especially for those who would like to see it... I think it's a good film, but definentally see the other two movies first, and if you can, play the videogame and watch the animatrix, they'll help fill some holes that will make the last film more enjoyable for you... umm what else what else, i'm still a little behind on my work, but alot of that stress has passed with this day... thank god, still more to do though. Yeah

Ohh yes I nearly forgot, 3rd day on my diet and going strong, I haven't cheated even once, i'm quite proud of myself... quite proud, now hopefully since most of the carbs should be out of my system by now, the weight will start to decrease. I can only hope.

What more do you people want from me?

Did you know him?

Thursday, November 06, 2003

If you need timing
Or maybe Rewinding
The ceiling is blinding
The feeling your trying
It feels like a heavy load
When gravity pulls you in
and your sorrow is as deep as you love
is that not what your thinking of
you dont have to let him know

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Ok, today hasn't been all that great, but i'm in a better mood than yesterday anyway... partially thanks to Bobby McFerrin, he gave me a good talking too and helped improve my mood... but i'm still not 100 percent. My diet has been going well however, I realize it's only day two, but I haven't cheated, not one little bit, and that's a good thing, as long as I can keep up with it... But i'm determined, even if it kills me, which it won't, it'll make me loose weight! In case you were wondering why I've decided to go on a diet (again) let me tell you... I've been eating like a pig so far this semester. and frankly i'm only 10 or so pounds from being back at my heaviest... I know your itching to ask... just how much do I currently weigh... well i'm no girl, so i'll tell you. 250, yeah I know, shocking... half way to 500 which is also a quater of a 1,000... yeah so i'm nearly a quarter ton... that's just too heavy... much much too heavy... So i'm doing something about it... and why atkins you ask? Well again, I will tell you.... because there are alot of guys i'm friends with up here, on it... and in most cases... it's working really really well... So i've decided to give it a shot... Sigh... too fat... but it's ok... other than that, what's going on.. let me think, I know there was something... but what? I don't really remember... I started watching High Fidelity in the UG today, I really enjoyed it, I may have to get it out of the library and give it a good watching over.. speaking of movies, matrix revolutions has started today, i'm both anxious about seeing it, and dreading seeing it... So I dunno I may go tonight, depends what meals decides to do... i'm still on the fence about it... I'm not sure yet. I also seem to have lost my train of thought.

I love you sweetie :) for me! cause your great!

Ok, today hasn't been all that great, but i'm in a better mood than yesterday anyway... partially thanks to Bobby McFerrin, he gave me a good talking too and helped improve my mood... but i'm still not 100 percent. My diet has been going well however, I realize it's only day two, but I haven't cheated, not one little bit, and that's a good thing, as long as I can keep up with it... But i'm determined, even if it kills me, which it won't, it'll make me loose weight! In case you were wondering why I've decided to go on a diet (again) let me tell you... I've been eating like a pig so far this semester. and frankly i'm only 10 or so pounds from being back at my heaviest... I know your itching to ask... just how much do I currently weigh... well i'm no girl, so i'll tell you. 250, yeah I know, shocking... half way to 500 which is also a quater of a 1,000... yeah so i'm nearly a quarter ton... that's just too heavy... much much too heavy... So i'm doing something about it... and why atkins you ask? Well again, I will tell you.... because there are alot of guys i'm friends with up here, on it... and in most cases... it's working really really well... So i've decided to give it a shot... Sigh... too fat... but it's ok... other than that, what's going on.. let me think, I know there was something... but what? I don't really remember... I started watching High Fidelity in the UG today, I really enjoyed it, I may have to get it out of the library and give it a good watching over.. speaking of movies, matrix revolutions has started today, i'm both anxious about seeing it, and dreading seeing it... So I dunno I may go tonight, depends what meals decides to do... i'm still on the fence about it... I'm not sure yet. I also seem to have lost my train of thought.

I love you sweetie :) for me! cause your great!

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

I'm really tired, really overwhelmed and really depressed, this is quite possibly the worst week ever...

On a different note, I decided to start doing the Atkins diet today... i'm going to try it for at least a month and see how it works out for me.

The Train blows it's whistle
The ducks are asleep
On the concrete I walk the other direction

Sunday, November 02, 2003

So had a really super awsome weekend... Friday night at hershey park was alot of fun! We really had a fantastic time. We even came back and watched Donnie Darko whilst eating some Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream... So friday was most definentally a sucess, especially because my pirate costume rocked, and more especially so because I got to spend it with Erin...

Saturday the Band played hands down one of the best shows i've ever seen a high school band play... it was seriously super hardcore, the biggest sound ANYONE could hope for out of their band... And it was also the last show of the season so a good way to end it for the seniors... if there is such a thing... makes me feel old all over again... sigh..

Sunday church made me want to kill myself... but I won't really get into it... Me and erin then went and helped my family finsih setting up for my sisters birthday party which was also tonight, i'd say it was a huge success! everyone seemed to have a really good time... although it was 17 teenage girls between the ages of 15 and 16... yikes, a real nightmare if you ask me, but everyone had a good time none the less...

Unfortunatally here I sit, back at school, yet anoughter horrible week to look forward, and I already miss Erin... Sigh... I Sigh too much lately, I really need something... but I can't figure out what, maybe it's just to graduate and spend every night with Erin, the nights I spend with her I never feel like sighing... just when i'm sitting here alone.. Bah...

Last night I had a dream about you
In this dream I'm dancing right beside you
And it looked like everyone was having fun
The kind of feeling I've waited so long

Don't stop come a little closer
As we jam the rythm gets stronger
There's nothing wrong with just a little little fun
We were dancing all night long

The time is right to put my arms around you
You're feeling right
You wrap your arms around too
But suddenly I feel the shining sun
Before I knew it this dream was all gone

Ooh I don't know what to do
About this dream and you
I wish this dream comes true