Saturday, October 22, 2005

I'll always remember our good times, if later in life you can stop hating me. I'd love to get together and laugh about the good ones. and forget about this terrible fate.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Fuck you and the Horse you rode in on.

Especially for Dan:
So in case you didn't know this is my blog. Not yours. Not ours. Mine. This blog reflects me and my life. So if you don't like what I have to say then go fuck yourself.
For the first time in my life I'm finally doing what makes me happy. It's not what people expect of me it's just for me. I heard what you said about me tonight and frankly I think your the biggest asshole in the entire world. You have absolutely no right to say anything about me because I've put up with much much worse from you. At any given time in our relationship I've never lied to you about anything. I can't say as much for you. Love is wanting what makes your partner happy. And I have to say that what makes me happy is not you anymore. You have no idea what I am or who Chris is for that matter so stop being a child and discussing this with your family. You put this on yourself last year when you broke up with me via aim and absolutely nothing was enough to make you happy. Now that's come back to kick you in the ass. I don't know how many different ways I can say no and I don't love you anymore. Take this for what it is...over. Just move on.
posted by Erin @ 11:12 PM

When the truth hurts.

A sad journey with a sad end
I've learned something, and i'll never forget it
I finally know what love is

Love is when you would do what you should do for yourself, for someone else.
I know now that I do love you
I know now that you don't love me

To me you are more important than me
To you, you are more important than me

I've learned something, and i'll never forget it
I finally know what love is
what a sad end

So in case you didn't know, About three weeks ago Erin dumped me for another guy, a guy with a girlfriend... but because I guess i'm masochistic i keep reading her blog, and found out this awsome guy dumped his girlfriend for her, so he obvious likes her (and who wouldn't I say) I just wish I knew what made her stop loving me. It's even worse because she doesn't seem to miss me even a little, makes the last 5 years seem like a joke, and i'm the fool. I'm ashamed to say it, but without the help of some good friends I might have tried to kill myself by now. I know it's not an answer but I can't imagine anything hurting me this bad.

It hurts so much extra because i'm all but dying and as far as I can tell she doesn't care, even a little, not even a small part of her. I still love her, and i'm not mad at her... I just wish i could understand... I never thought we'd come to this. and.. I dunno, I just don't know.

Monday, October 17, 2005

The Abs post

Well because you asked so nicely I will make a whole post about Abby Naylor aka Abs

Abby is, well you know she's just this girl.

Actually I have quite a history with Abby who for some time dated my best childhood friend Austin, i actually met her through Austin, because we always hung out, and the first time we hung out that i remember well, was me and austin rented some 80's tacular martial arts movie and we all had a riotus time enjoying watching droves of 80's men getting their asses kicked, and a good time was had by all..

If you were the sort of person who wanted to get to know ms Naylor I'd say Dr. Who would be the best place to start... what's that you don't know who Dr. Who is? well then my friend you either have alot of BBC to watch... or you may not want to hang out with abby.. the girl is obbessed.. and i mean OBSESSED... it's creepy, but in the cool way... ... ... ...

frankly i've watched the Lions share of BBC in my short 22 years, so I have precious little critism.

So i have to be up for work in give or take 5 hours... and that's probably more Abby than most of you can digest in one evening anyway..

So there you go kid, a whole post all about you! Hope you liked it, as for me, my ass is grass... bed time kids.

It's so cheesy you have to love it.

Ahh Wine and Vinyl records, in my well heated little home. With Mr. Wensel.. then me and Matty proceeded to play jazz/lounge music for another couple hours.. ahh organ and soprano saxophone, with a combination like that we could have any woman over the age of 70 we'd want.... Look out lawrence welk, we're coming at yah... haha....

But seriously, a glass of wine and a good Record... now that's how you spend an evening.

Would someone leave a comment? Seriously, I feel like i'm talking to a wall. :) I know you read this kids. come on, fess up.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Chester Attic

Wow what a great show with Chester Attic tonight! It's amazing how music can really set your soul free and allow you to feel above everything and just alive and wonderful.

and to my friends who came out and used a saturday evening to watch me play and say so many nice things, I can't thank you enough!! It really means alot to a guy like me when people show that kind of support... I would also like to thank all the random people I don't even know whom all said such nice things about my playing too.. It's so weird to be appreciated, I almost don't know how to handle it...
So for everyone who was with me tonight, and everyone who at least wanted to (yes you dear melius, haha) Thanks, It's nice to smile