Saturday, October 22, 2005

So in case you didn't know, About three weeks ago Erin dumped me for another guy, a guy with a girlfriend... but because I guess i'm masochistic i keep reading her blog, and found out this awsome guy dumped his girlfriend for her, so he obvious likes her (and who wouldn't I say) I just wish I knew what made her stop loving me. It's even worse because she doesn't seem to miss me even a little, makes the last 5 years seem like a joke, and i'm the fool. I'm ashamed to say it, but without the help of some good friends I might have tried to kill myself by now. I know it's not an answer but I can't imagine anything hurting me this bad.

It hurts so much extra because i'm all but dying and as far as I can tell she doesn't care, even a little, not even a small part of her. I still love her, and i'm not mad at her... I just wish i could understand... I never thought we'd come to this. and.. I dunno, I just don't know.


At 4:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear that. I know we might be more "acquaintances" than friends, but I've always thought of you as a good person and someone who is fun to spend time with. I think you deserve to be happy and I truly pray that you find the things that will let you be.


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