Friday, April 30, 2004

You are water. You're not really organic; you're
neither acidic nor basic, yet you're an acid
and a base at the same time. You're strong
willed and opinionated, but relaxed and ready
to flow. So while you often seem worthless,
without you, everything would just not work.
People should definitely drink more of you
every day.

Which Biological Molecule Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Sweetie, no one but you leaves comments, because no one else cares. And you should definentally take this test... It made me think of you! Love you!

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Ahh, So much time gone by, so little posting, I apologize.

School is nearly over... and I for one, can't wait. Lots of cool things have been going on

The chamber choir concert went well, as did singing opera with the orchestra. as far as school goes.. the only difficult thing I have yet to tackle is piano proficency. Other good things

- Erin coming up for the weekend... I'm always so happy when i'm with her.
- Walk in closets - nuff said
- My dad got me a flute after finding it in some lady's attic, she didn't mind him taking it, so now it's mine!! If I can get a new tenon for it, it'll be good as new! and boy was the price right.
- Dad also brought me some Beef Jerkey, YUM!
- My mom is getting a new car! And due to this, I get her old one!!! Which is good, because the poor LeBaron is on it's death bed. So now i'm going to a Dodge intrepid, it's sort of an old Lady car... but it's a V6 and it's definentally got more go than my dying LeBaron, so it's an upgrade in power and reliability, even with the downgrade in style.

Concerns include

- My ignorant Church, they're all in an uproar over some high up and up methodist whos an open lesbian, not being voted out of power. Well I say good for her, the bible says we're not to judge others... But the church is always quick to judge others, in fact, the church is quicker to judge others than most normal folk are. They get me so wound up.
- Poor Dan melius, whom could only get studio time on 3rd shift hours, and so, is a very sleep deprived Melius.
- Piano, blech
- Trying to remember to get everything done

Ohh well, each day is a new day, and it's never too late for things to get better.

Looking forward to school being done for awhile

Me myself and I