Saturday, October 02, 2004

"Invading Iraq in response to 9/11 would be like Franklin D. Roosevelt invading Mexico in response to Pearl Harbor."

Friday, October 01, 2004

RedclawThePirate: your a bush fan?
lindsaykate7: yes?
RedclawThePirate: i'm sorry
RedclawThePirate: i didn't know
lindsaykate7: lol
RedclawThePirate: could I ask why?
lindsaykate7: uhh..I'm against abortion...and I'm a Republican, and he's the Republican candidate
lindsaykate7: I think Kerry's an asshole.
RedclawThePirate: And you don't think bush is?
RedclawThePirate: as far as abortion goes, you'd rather kill the living?
lindsaykate7: im against the death penalty
RedclawThePirate: what about the war?
lindsaykate7: I'm not happy people are dying...but Saddam had to have something done against him.
RedclawThePirate: kerry doesn't disagree with that
lindsaykate7: I know....but I don't think he's backing the soldiers very well...I wouldn't want to be a soldier and the commanderinchief of my country to tell me the war was just a distraction.
RedclawThePirate: you should get your facts down, it was a distraction in that bush told us they attacked us, they didn't saddam had NOTHING to do with 9/11.
RedclawThePirate: Kerry supports the war
RedclawThePirate: Kerry DOESN'T support the way bush handled it
lindsaykate7: I just think he's a big jerk.
lindsaykate7: And I like Bush.
RedclawThePirate: so that's your grand argument
lindsaykate7: not really
lindsaykate7: I don't like how much Senate Kerry has been missing.
lindsaykate7: I don't like how he handled the vietnam thing.
RedclawThePirate: and I don't like how much Running our country bush has been missing
lindsaykate7: I just can't vote for a democrat.
RedclawThePirate: Then the system doesn't work
RedclawThePirate: and your vote is meaningless
RedclawThePirate: that mentality is what is making this country pointless
lindsaykate7: what mentality?
RedclawThePirate: that you must vote inside your party
lindsaykate7: I don't have to...I vote for independents also.
lindsaykate7: I just don't vote for stupid democrats.
lindsaykate7: I have my reasons for supporting Bush.
RedclawThePirate: You like bush and think democrats are stupid?
RedclawThePirate: Then WHAT are they
RedclawThePirate: I'm trying to understand?
RedclawThePirate: ?
lindsaykate7: sorry, was pottying
lindsaykate7: I support Bush's gun views, also.
lindsaykate7: and stem cell research
lindsaykate7: and what he's doing in Iraq
RedclawThePirate: what's wrong with stem cell research
RedclawThePirate: ?
RedclawThePirate: and what exactly is he doing in Iraq?
RedclawThePirate: Because right now, it's officially predicted that Iraq, AT BEST will be in the same state it is now for another few years
RedclawThePirate: AT BEST
lindsaykate7: thats how it will be no matter what
RedclawThePirate: Then why are we there?
lindsaykate7: when Germany reunited, it took a while for that to fuse together
lindsaykate7: everything takes time
lindsaykate7: its unrealistic to expect a war to be over, and everything perfect in a very short amount of time
RedclawThePirate: Then why were we told it was
RedclawThePirate: we lost more soldiers in july than in june, more in august than in july
RedclawThePirate: things aren't fusing
RedclawThePirate: they're getting worse
lindsaykate7: maybe, but i dont think just because Kerry gets elected, people in Iraq are going to stop setting off car bombs
RedclawThePirate: kerry didn't say they would
RedclawThePirate: so if we know what bush is doing isn't helping, why not give kerry a shot
lindsaykate7: then why not give anyone a shot?
lindsaykate7: atleast Bush is familiar with the Iraqi govt.
RedclawThePirate: I agree anyone would be better than bush
RedclawThePirate: He's familiar with the iraq government because he put it there
lindsaykate7: Kerry wasnt in Congress when the Iraqi president came to talk
RedclawThePirate: there is NO government in iraq
lindsaykate7: he's missed over 75% of time in the Senate
RedclawThePirate: That's funny because kerry just talked about it tonight
lindsaykate7: and he's supposed to give the money back, for when he's not there, if its not for medical reasons
lindsaykate7: if he wants to give tax breaks, why doesnt he give that money to people who need it?
RedclawThePirate: kerry doesn't want to give tax breaks
RedclawThePirate: Bush does
RedclawThePirate: ok
RedclawThePirate: so
RedclawThePirate: you think the upper class needs the money more than the middle class?
RedclawThePirate: is that what your trying to tell me?
lindsaykate7: no
RedclawThePirate: well that's what your voting for
lindsaykate7: but im saying that kerry isnt doing his job now and is getting paid for it
lindsaykate7: isnt that the same thing you say bush is doing?
lindsaykate7: so whats the different?
lindsaykate7: *difference?
RedclawThePirate: their isn't so it's a null point
RedclawThePirate: it's not why i'm voting for kerry
lindsaykate7: well, thats one of the reasons im not voting for Kerry
RedclawThePirate: but you just agree with me bush is doing the same thing
RedclawThePirate: what's more important one senator or the president
lindsaykate7: I dont agree that the president is doing nothing.
lindsaykate7: I said that thats what you think.
RedclawThePirate: I don't agree kerry is doing nothing
RedclawThePirate: that's what you think
lindsaykate7: what is he doing?
lindsaykate7: besides campaigning?
RedclawThePirate: I do KNOW that bush told us we NEEDED to go to war because iraq attacked us and had weapons of mass destruction
lindsaykate7: and kerry supported that
lindsaykate7: and saw the same info
RedclawThePirate: And admitted he was wrong
lindsaykate7: its not like Bush himself gathered the info
RedclawThePirate: No but bush won't admit he was wrong
RedclawThePirate: we didn't listen to the advic eof the UN
lindsaykate7: i dont think he was
lindsaykate7: he saw a threat
RedclawThePirate: So you think we did everything we could without first going to war?
lindsaykate7: diplomacy doesnt always work
RedclawThePirate: We know Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11
RedclawThePirate: or al quida
lindsaykate7: nothing?
RedclawThePirate: Nothing
RedclawThePirate: He wasn't involved
RedclawThePirate: read the 9/11 comission report
lindsaykate7: so?
lindsaykate7: he wasnt involved
RedclawThePirate: nope
lindsaykate7: i didnt say he was
RedclawThePirate: then why was he a treat?
lindsaykate7: but he still was a bad person
lindsaykate7: with a bad regime
lindsaykate7: who used chemical weapons on his own people
RedclawThePirate: So why not attack north korea?
lindsaykate7: how is that ok?
lindsaykate7: cause CHina would get pissed
lindsaykate7: and they are too fucking big to piss off
RedclawThePirate: I got new for you
lindsaykate7: we dont have enough bullets for all of them
RedclawThePirate: the UN doesn't agree with how we attacked iraq
RedclawThePirate: the world has considered many of our actions international acts of TERRORISM
RedclawThePirate: the world doesn't LIKE us
lindsaykate7: but now they have joined us in iraq, to help form a new government, so they must not be too mad
RedclawThePirate: Who has?
RedclawThePirate: poland?
RedclawThePirate: and london?
lindsaykate7: is world politics now a popularity contest?
lindsaykate7: the world doesnt like us?
RedclawThePirate: So we can not like saddam and it's ok to attack him, but because we're bigger and more powerful we can do whatever we want?
RedclawThePirate: There were NO terrorist attacks in Iraq until AFTER we invaded
RedclawThePirate: so we know what's best so it doesn't matter what the world thinks?
RedclawThePirate: I believe hitler used that rational
lindsaykate7: Albania, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Rep, El Salvador, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, South Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Thailand, United Kingdom, and Ukraine all have coalition forces in Iraq
RedclawThePirate: But when we started they didn't
lindsaykate7: no, women were just raped, no one could vote, and a terrorist regime was in rule
lindsaykate7: thats so much better
RedclawThePirate: Why didn't we WAIT for their help
lindsaykate7: but they are there now
lindsaykate7: so they werent THAT mad
RedclawThePirate: They didn't have terrorism or religion extreamest
RedclawThePirate: under sadam
lindsaykate7: yes they did
lindsaykate7: women had NO rights
lindsaykate7: couldnt vote
lindsaykate7: how is that right?
RedclawThePirate: Better not voting than dead
RedclawThePirate: Maybe it's just me
RedclawThePirate: and my old fasioned killing isn't the answer
lindsaykate7: he also sent many attacks against Kurds
lindsaykate7: is that ok?
RedclawThePirate: Yeah he attacked kurds because he didn't agree with them
lindsaykate7: he also would capture and imprison any poilitical oponents
RedclawThePirate: isn't that what we do?
RedclawThePirate: when we "liberate" a country?
lindsaykate7: no, he tired to KILL them all off
RedclawThePirate: how about the patriot act
RedclawThePirate: do you like that?
lindsaykate7: we dont want to kill all IRAQIS
lindsaykate7: yes
RedclawThePirate: It only strips citizens of all their rights
lindsaykate7: i would rather have less freedoms then be dead
RedclawThePirate: so would iraqis
RedclawThePirate: but our bombing didn't lessen their freedom
lindsaykate7: nothing you say is going to change me
lindsaykate7: just like nothing i say is going to change you
lindsaykate7: its pointless
lindsaykate7: i will vote my way
lindsaykate7: along with all of my friends, and others

Thursday, September 30, 2004

mmmm, watched The Dark Crystal last night, it's as good a movie as I remembered it to be, Well actually when I was a kid it terrified the crap outta me. but it was still very very enjoyable. Definentally a film to add to the collection.

Well it looks like a halloween costume party is going to happen after all, The general populace seems to think it would be a fun idea. So we're going to go for it. The presense of an organ almost demands it. Haha. I guess.
Theologically, or maybe philosophically i'm a mess right now. After being exposed to death of God theology, and the idea of decontruction (neither of which I claim to fully understand) I've been having a really really hard time trying to figure out just what it is I believe. I mean, it's hard enough to remember my opionions, let alone remembering my reasons for them. Really the only problem is how alone it makes me feel. I can discuss it with bachman, and jordan, but jordan is kind of a few steps (well quite alot of steps) ahead, bachman is really the only person I know on my page with this.

It's going on something like 3/4 of an eternity since i've seen Erin, and that's certainly not helping me any. But despite all of this, i'm still in a relativly good mood.

I'm having a ball in my drawing class, well actually it's usually extreamly frustrating, but it's still amazing what i'm learning. You just wouldn't belive how hard it is too really see something like a chair. hell you wouldn't believe how hard it is to see a box. Let alone a chair, I spent 3 hours in class drawing chairs... much much harder than it sounds. trust me.

So, if anyone has any ideas for my halloween costume, drop me a comment, or an email. Or a gift certificate. cash, or creditcard - through paypal

Where did I leave my brain?

Monday, September 27, 2004

Well I am busy, but there is alot of fun things happeneing, friday night we sang polkas around the organ, and I managed to fix my speakers... So i'm happy, for the most part, still feel really worn thin, what with lessons, make-up lessons, homework, and classes.. I admittadly enjoy time hacking or playing videogames with bachman, but I make sure to get my work done as well.

Small jazz is tonight, and the picking of the groups, it's going to suck, but i'll explain more about that later.