Thursday, September 30, 2004

mmmm, watched The Dark Crystal last night, it's as good a movie as I remembered it to be, Well actually when I was a kid it terrified the crap outta me. but it was still very very enjoyable. Definentally a film to add to the collection.

Well it looks like a halloween costume party is going to happen after all, The general populace seems to think it would be a fun idea. So we're going to go for it. The presense of an organ almost demands it. Haha. I guess.
Theologically, or maybe philosophically i'm a mess right now. After being exposed to death of God theology, and the idea of decontruction (neither of which I claim to fully understand) I've been having a really really hard time trying to figure out just what it is I believe. I mean, it's hard enough to remember my opionions, let alone remembering my reasons for them. Really the only problem is how alone it makes me feel. I can discuss it with bachman, and jordan, but jordan is kind of a few steps (well quite alot of steps) ahead, bachman is really the only person I know on my page with this.

It's going on something like 3/4 of an eternity since i've seen Erin, and that's certainly not helping me any. But despite all of this, i'm still in a relativly good mood.

I'm having a ball in my drawing class, well actually it's usually extreamly frustrating, but it's still amazing what i'm learning. You just wouldn't belive how hard it is too really see something like a chair. hell you wouldn't believe how hard it is to see a box. Let alone a chair, I spent 3 hours in class drawing chairs... much much harder than it sounds. trust me.

So, if anyone has any ideas for my halloween costume, drop me a comment, or an email. Or a gift certificate. cash, or creditcard - through paypal

Where did I leave my brain?


At 1:20 PM, Blogger jordan said...

not to confuse things any more than they already are, but the whole point of postmodern philosophy and theology is that we can't know what we believe. that we live in a state of radical undecideability. that, with such a wide variety of meanings surrounding us, how can we ever pick one?

i don't know what i believe. and that's what i believe.



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