Monday, May 29, 2006

Jungle on my Porch

I live alone, thankfully there are always loved ones close by... but sometimes at night, living by yourself in the middle of nowhere really sucks... so like any homeowner, i sought company. naturally a pet... my first pet, was a turtle, a particuarly delightful, though ravenous friend, I call the General... he lives in a tank, on my bar... the general would have been creature enough for my life. Second pet, a string of unfortunate circumstances led me to adopting a puppy, who i swear has horse blood in her... he's big, stupid, and utterly adorable. She's not pariticuarly fond of me, over say, my parents dog ellie, but we get along.
Now, these are the animals that have names... which leads to my porch....
Although i'm a couch potatoe... I have a love for the outdoors, i enjoy camping and hiking, that sort of good stuff. I also enjoy occasionally gardening.... So my porch is coverd in plants, ferns, peppers, lots of herbs, it's a jungle... So me being an animal lover, Put out a bird feeder... so now with the turtle and the puppy I have a calvacade of song birds who frequent my humble home. These birds drop alot of seeds and shells, LOTS of them, in fact they almost coat a side of my porch... while this would drive some people nuts... I like it... the squirrels frequent and pick up what the birds leave behind.. and even, in the leaves in front of my porch a field mouse lives... i can often watch him scurry around picking up seeds and leaping back to his cozy, leafy den. So that makes, turtle, dog, birds, squirells, and field mouse... this I can handle...

Tonight however, I think i've met a limit... coming down from my parents house, semi-trustly dog by my side... I approach my porch and hear rustling, cat sized rustling... Maddie, although usually not thrilled about coming inside... was super reluctant... so i did the nessisary over-exaggerated stomping of feet and noise making.. but nothing moved, so i went on the porch and opened the door and went in my house... although maddie would not have it... no matter how i coaxed she wouldn't come... so i flipped on the porch light AND..... Ohh yes, big ass Possum sittin on my porch.... So thinking caution, I call my sister and have her call maddie up to sleep with ellie tonight, and took some pictures of my new tenant... and have been consistently checking on him through the evening.... and, so far he seems completly disinterested in leaving the area beneath my planting table... I hope he's not injured or dying, or rabid, and that he is mearly taking an early evening rest before a nice night out in the woods... we shall see... but either way... The animals are taking over my house.

Just as an afterthought, I wonder if he was talking to the baby deer that was hiding under my back porch LAST summer... maybe there is some kind of wildlife porch sitting club or something... I dunno..