Thursday, March 25, 2004

So, life just won't let me be happy... Take today for example

Choral lit... group work, what the hell is Dr. Lemon's thinking... trying to write a song with people I don't get along with is not an easy task... especially when their idea of creative musical composition is splattering paint on staff paper... and see what god awful wretched poor excuse for chords they can come up with... sigh

Then Hope... My teaching during string methods when INCREDIBLY well... I even got compliments.... but just in case I got to happy

Next year's RA for Derickson wants our room... We want to stay here... we have a higher lotto number than her... final answer... it doesn't matter at all!! How about that! She gets her pick just because.

Then Chamber Choir, Work, and talking to Erin on the phone, and TV... all these things make me happy... Until I have to deal with schedualing.. and realizing all over just why I hate being at school so much... I really truely honestly deeply do.. If I could just have a moderately paying job, with enough money to support my family... and be comfortable, but not rich.. I'd take it over this crap any day... is it so wrong that a guy wants to stop being fed bullshit and just get on with his life? is it?! I guess so....

So because of Choir tour this weekend, I don't get to see Erin at all... and that makes me sad... but She's coming up for the April 2nd Jazz Concert! Which will rock, very much hardcore! We might also have an Early "birthday" party for me over the weekend... :) My birthday being April 7th! Hint Hint, Don't forget!!!!

ohh well, for now, i'm just going to go to sleep... the only place where I can not be so stressed, and disappointed with life.