Friday, May 09, 2003

Yippie! Me so happy! I got to see Erin Finally! It was the best day ever.. I love my sweetheart! I so happy... I'm not convinced too many people are still reading this.. but thank you very much if you are... Dan or Janice if you read this, me and Erin can come tuesday... but I need a time, and directions... We're looking forward to it! Ok... I've got kenpo early tomorrow... feeling rather tired am I.. To bed I'm going to go... about half of my grades have been released... so far i'm pleased... but I still have the heavy hitters to go... we'll have to wait and see... GPA is on the fence... But we'll see... I still haven't unpacked most of my stuff... Ohh well what can you do.. Life I think is going to get pretty hum-drum.. I mean i'm going to be having a great time with Erin... It's just hard to say... I still haven't found a job yet.. but I will continue to post on this my dear bloggy... as often as possible... or as nessisary.. So hopefully you'll keep reading... even if you have to connect with a modem.. HEY I'M DOING IT TOO! It's no excuse... and for all you cable users... Dan... Erin... You better still read this... especially since your my best friend and my fiancee... HA!
Bed for me, Me thinks

Are you feeling the feeling that I`m feeling
Dreams are like fish you gots to keep on reeling

Thursday, May 08, 2003

Well i'm floored... me good buddy Melius just gave me the news that I made our school's Chamber choir for next year.. That's the top of the line choir.. like a group of 20 some people out of the whole lot... i'm really excited... Melius made it too..we're both singing bass... It's going to rock... i'm all wound up... I'm also home I think it might be worth mentioning... Thank goodness I unpacked all my essential stuff last night... Sterio, Tv, X-box, computer... yah know.. the essentials... because now it's just plain raining... and there is no way i'm going to unpack all this crap in the rain... it just isn't going to happen... So I'm just going to start organizing all the stuff I do have in here... and paitiently wait.. because TOMORROW I GET TO SEE ERIN! Which is just going to make me the happiest little piece of shit in the world... there is no body home... and I do so enjoy the rain.. So i've put some Stan Getz on the surround... opened my windows and I'm just having a really really really good day.. Once I see Erin.. My life will be complete! Don't worry Janice and Dan I'll see you guys soon! You won't even know i'm gone, then next school year we'll all be living in the same vicinedy.. ;;; if that's a word.. werd....

HAHAH... Chamber Choir and soon seeing girlfriend makes Dan a Happy Boy!

Wednesday, May 07, 2003

well I just finished my last final! I'm going home this evening... I'm going to miss being up here at school... but being with Erin will it all worthwhile! I can't wait to spend my whole summer with her! And maybe i'll even loose some weight... and well... I need to pack... I have WAY too much stuff.... and no where to go with it... this is going to be bad, I mean really bad... this mess scares me really bad... I don't know how i'll ever get it all packed together... so messy.. So don't worry, if you keep reading this summer i'll keep blogging... it'll be fun! Ohh yes yes yes

If I sing a song, will you sing along? Or will I just keep singing by myself...

Monday, May 05, 2003

I need you Erin, I love you... Please know that no matter what is going on I just want to be with you... and that I ALWAYS love you.

Sunday, May 04, 2003

Wow, I had a whole day with nothing to do... I didn' t know what to do with myself... I spent alot of time being very lazy... Went to the Lebanon Valley Mall... Watched Yellow submarine again.. I found out you can watch it with just the music tracks and not all the other sound... it's pretty hip..... I also saw on TV a program for one of those masaging machines.. ahhh good stuff that... They even had a thing that does your head.. I gotta try one sometime.. Like I enjoy going to get my haircut just because I like my scalp being touched... So that's cool, I need more days of nothing... Today was VERY enjoyable :), it was a good day... Granted I might do some work before the night lets out... for now, getting nothing done feels real good.. with the history and lit final coming up, this might be the last do nothing day I have... cause tomorrow... I'm just going to study study study, Heck i'm just going to pretend i'm Erin! No one can study as hard as my darlin' That's why she's so smart.. and i'm well... a dumb ass... SPEAKING of Erin, I get to see her this FRIDAY! AHHH It's been so long I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait! I LOVE YOU SWEETIE!
Anyway... I guess i'm just going to go do nothing some more.... That's been working out good for me.

Friendships are made stronger by time.