Saturday, March 08, 2003

Hey Hey, Not much time to type, just thought i'd make it known that i'm home... It's almost time for Erin and My trip to gettysburg, I realize it doesn't sound all that fantastic, but as long as I'm with her, anything is fun! Besides we're going to go to the outlets, and shopping, and it'll just be a really fun time. Right now though we're going to A-Won Buffet, the happiest place on earth! Mmm, Been so long since i've had chinese food I can't wait! Ok, so I gotta run... but I hope your all having a great break! And Maybe i'll type a longer message this evening!!

Any given action, and certain times and for certain people, may be a stepping stone, twoard spiritual growth.

Friday, March 07, 2003

Well, spring break is nearly apon me!!! YIPPIE, Everyone really needs this break... I just got back from Power Sing with Nick Page, a special guest we had here at the college. Wow, he was really really amazing, he might have been white, (as is the grand whole of our choir) but that was gospel music through and through, All i have yet is my lesson and i'm headed out of here... Don't worry though I'll stilll be able to post messages from home! Except for maybe mon and tues, for i'll be with my Erin in Gettysburg! I'm so Excited I can hardly contain myself! Sorry about not posting more last night, but my heart just wasn't in it... In fact i'm still a little shakey, but it's hardly a story for this, my nifty blog.

Speaking of Nifty, do you ever read Sluggy Freelance? Well you should, march your browser Immediatly to, I reccomend starting from the begging, and you better get two it, you've got almost three + years of comics to read, but it'll be worth it in the end, for the laughs they never stop. Take it from me.

Well I have to go get ready for my lesson, but i'll be sure to add some more Tonight.

For Dan and Janice, I'm sorry... I'm not a very good friend....

Everyday is a Miracle....

Thursday, March 06, 2003

How truly wise his he, that can not even help his friends...

Wednesday, March 05, 2003

Ok, well..... It's been quite awhile since I last posted! I hope you weren't checking night and day in hopes of something crazy new! To be honest i've been working on the new WEBPAGE! It's coming along really nicely, I think you'll like it I really do.. Thank you those of you who left comments! Though few, they were all very appreciated... The Webpage could be up in a rough format as early as tomorrow.. or as late as sometime after tomorrow. But don't you worry, i'll let you know when it's up and running... The page will have a link back here of course!! Contact info for me, probably some pictures, and music stuff.. I really don't know what all I'm going to put up! We'll all find out together!

Meals and Janice had a minor falling out... But everything is fixed and nice and happy again, and i'm very glad... when your two best friends are having a bad time.. it's hard to have a good time for yourself.
I bought Tabasco sauce at Turkey Hill, I plan on using it to spice up my food quite mightily! But let me tell you, don't put just tabasco sauce on your tounge!! Whew Hot, good thing I got some milk too! It does however make dull chicken flavor ramen noodles(One of my staple foods) quite tasty!

I saved two of our friendly college ducks today. They were in the middle of the street, with many cars zinging by.. So me and Matt Wensel took the liberty of hurding them back into the peace garden, where I gave them a stern talking to for playing in the street. Those Crazy Crazy Ducks, we love them.. but sometime I dunno.. I also chased a squirel today, I like to chase the squirrels on campus, If I don't they might become tame, and they wouldn't have good defenses against natural predators!!! So I chase, cause I love.

My Sophmore interview is tomorrow, i'm not really nervous... They're probably going to ask me about my lower than perfect GPA, but hopefully they'll also mention my Playing in a good way. I plan on wearing my black turtle neck sweater and gray scarf (turtleneck is in the wash right now) but I haven't yet decided on pants.. I really should do that before heading to bed.

My Gettysburg trip with Erin is drawing ever closer, I think everyone is really in need of this Spring break.. So if you read this and you get a spring break, make sure you use it to RELAX! No Working you hear?! Erin Especially is working her amazingly cute butt off doing work, I wish I could keep at it like her. I'm marrying her for her brains and her looks, and her wonderful personality. She's marrying me cause i'm cute!

I finished reading The Last Unicorn, very good, very very good, the video is well over half downloaded, hopefully it will get done by friday, so I can watch it over break!
I don't think I have a whole lot more for you... But keep visiting, and keep leaving comments, and pretty soon you can visit my homepage as well! Ohh so Exciting.

D.R. Stief

The clouds pass and the rain does its work, and all individual beings flow into their forms.

Dearly Beloved we gather here to say our goodbyes... The blogs of both Janice Powell and Daniel T Melius, are officially not being updated from this point forth... Janice's Blog lived to a ripe middle age, but poor Daniel's died so young.. They will be sorely missed... if you wish to visit the bodies... The links are listed previously on this site...

Good morning fellow citizens, I just had breakfast, they had sausage gravy, I love sausage gravy even if i'm all out of toast. It's wonderful... It's going to be a long day, This I can tell already.. But it's one I'm going to tackle with Ferver.. hehe, I used the word ferver. Jason always complains that my away messages never say where I am.. So here I will leave my schedual for you
9-10 Music Theory IV
10-11 His and Lit of Music
11-12 percussion methods
12-1 choir
1-3 Practicing Piano, and getting a website!!
3-4 piano
5-7 annville free library (my place of employment)
after that, i'm Free!!!

So now you know where i'll be today!
So you can hunt me down and say hi, or if your too lazy to do that, just leave a comment after this message. See how nice they work out?

Ok...I'm done for the moment..

Modesty leads to success

Tuesday, March 04, 2003

Wow what a day what a day! So much new on my nifty webpage bloggy thinggy! This is starting to feel fully operational... We've got it all folks, a fresh new template, a counter, and a place for you to leave comments! So If you read any of this please let me know what you think of my site! In other web related news, i'm going tomorrow to get myself some server space on LVC's system, so I can host this site from there! What does this mean for you? Well Pictures of course! Blogger doesn't give me the kind of space nessisary to store pictures. I can't complain of course since this wonderful service is quite free for me. But with a Student Page on LVC's server, I will have plenty of room for graphic antics.. I'm starting to get the hang of the basics of this HTML stuff so who knows what I might be about to figure out what to do with this site! Any suggestions? Anything any of you would like to see? Please Let me know, Just Click COMMENTS at the bottom of any post!

My counter tells me that someone has accessed my happy little site from the University of South Carolina. Wow, crazy, I don't know who you are but thanks for reading my dribble! If you care to disclose your identity, just click COMMENTS at the bottom of any post (Can anyone tell I really want some comments?)

Other than the vast improvements made to my nifty site!

Not I think, i'm going to play some retro Plastation 2 games with none other than DAN MELIUS!

There is no advice for today.. I just don't have any but think about this?
At what point does a muffin, become a cupcake?

Creepy.......... LEAVE COMMENTS!

You can leave me comments now!! I'll type a full message later this evening, I feel like i've gotten so much done today!!!


My Fiancee is hot!

I have a counter!!! See, see, look up at the top of the page! A counter, HAHA, if your reading this.. IT counted you!!!

Smile, it does you good

Hey I finally managed to change to the font too!! Wow, new template new font.. aren't you all happy that I care so much as to make this astetically pleasing.. well at least to me.. sometimes I find odd fonts weird..... so if you think this font is quite unreadable.. let me know.. I"m not completly sold on it... I still haven't figured out have to add a comments bar for you all.. maybe i'll poke around and do that now...

I hope I don't have to conduct in class today, It's not that i'm not prepaired for the assignment, I'm just not in a mood to conduct today.. Go fig right? Mott was supposed to meet me in the Dojo to work on some Kenpo(Karate) Stuff this morning, but he never showed... So he better have a good explanation.

Bachman has finally found his bed, he plans on getting up for work around 1ish, but for some reason i'm not sure if it's going to happen.. He's really been kinda the walking dead all morning, not that I blame him.. it's just good he's finally getting some rest.

Early January Opie ordered a Yamaha shelf sterio, it came very late, about 2 weeks ago... but it was the wrong model and he sent it back.. Now he's waiting for the right one to show up.... But it still hasn't arrived, I worry about his mental sanity, I don't think he can wait too much longer without having a nervous breakdown, I feel for him, I hate waiting..

No word from Janice yet today, I'm kinda worried about her, I wish her brain would let her be happy..

I miss Erin, she's so cute... I really haven't talked to her so there isn't much to add, except that she told me to watch Clone High on MTV, I must admit, I laughed my ass off!! "Try and Catch ME, BITCH!" LOL Thanks for pointing out a good show to me sweetie, I need a good laugh every once and awhile.

I'm just going to say that I hope you all enjoy reading this, cause i'm really having a blast typing it, first off I love to type, it's just neat.. Secondly it does me soo much good to get my mental insides smeared all over the internet for you all..

I'd like to recomend an album... The Donnie Darco Soundtrack, so mellow, so deep, very nice, makes you almost look into your soul... good for dark rooms and deserted library's, want to give it a listen... Let me know i'd be more than happy to see that you get it.


"Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend."-

That right there, is my mentality in a nutshell, have questions about any of my Philosopical quotes? Wanna know the sources? Want my take on them? Just let me know!

Jason's recording session was actually 3-7 so he just got back and hasn't slept a wink... As an Ex-third shifter I understand how he's feeling...I'm kinda really freaking tired right now myself.... And I don't want to go to Doc's class, he won't say one useful thing about anything... But i'm paying glory only knows how much to take this class..... Stupid college non-education.

My advice for this morning...

ONE FOR HIS KNOB! - crazy brits

New Template!! I like it better, more balanced, too much blue to look at with that other thing.. Reminded me sort of an airport or something, not very plesant at all...

Jason has studio time from 3 till 5 am... so he's still up and doing work, trying to kill time till 3... He is going to be one tired camper tommorow morning... Not that I won't, but I won't be a complete zombie.

Janices attempt to make herself happy has apperently failed already, having had the worst day of her life(like every other) we her friends and loved ones don't understand.. and aren't listening... None of this is true of course... but, i'm out of good arguments... I feel bad for Dan, he's taking the brunt of Janice's sorrow and even his cheerful demeanor is wearing thin.. I feel bad for Janice, happiness just seems to elude her like .... like... like it's too late and I can't think of a good analogy.. man, Why am I still up this late..... I guess I'm just worried about my friends... and my brain is making me fill time with typing... I usually think of myself as a pretty helpful problem solving guy... but I dunno, I'm out of good advice, my methods haven't helped... I feel almost at a point of failure, but I give up nay so easily....

I was reading through the I ching and decided to give it a try... I asked the "oracle" what the outcome of me playing soprano sax would be tonight... It said Success.. so I played, and well! I don't think i'll be getting any record deals, but I haven't played that well on Soprano..... So i'm happy about that, don't cha know...... Does anyone remember Bobby's World? Good cartoon, shame it's not on any more. Of course neither is Fraggle Rock..... I wish I was a Fraggle, Of course i'm just content saying Fraggle, what a great word.... Fraggle... WELLLLLLLLLLLL aren't I just digressing this evening...

Erin spent another night working, but I actually got to call her on the phone for a few minutes, It really made my night!!! I miss her so much... but we'll get to hang out soon... Saturay we're going to kick off spring break with a trip to A-Won Buffet, the best place on earth(but not nessisarily the healthiest)... Also I have an eye doctors appointment for the thursday I get back from Gettysburg...
Did I mention my Birthday is coming up fast? April 7th, mark those calanders... Well maybe not, i'll probably forget about it by the time it gets here...

I think i've run out of witty things to say!!!

But for my bit of philosophy, I will ask the "oracle" of the I ching what message I should give you... We'll see what it comes up with...
I'm coming up with Chen - the arousing (shock, or thunder)
So here is the motivation I've pulled from this passage

The superior man sets his life in order
and examines himself

--- think about it

Monday, March 03, 2003

Wow the Government did something right! I got my tax return today! It really saved my butt! I was so hurting for money... Now it wasn't some huge sum, but enough to get me to my next paycheck!! So thank you, american Tax system... You've made my day.

Today is going better than planned!!! None of my classes were too much to bear, although i'm not so confident about how well I did on the Percussion Mid-term, but he didn't teach us most of that so I don't know how we were supposed to learn it.

Janice is on a quest to make herself happy... Not Dan Melius happy... I tried that last semester and on the downswing of all that happiness I became a very bitter, very dark person.... But Janice is doing much what I did this semester, just little bits of happiness at a time... Before she knows it she's going to be one happy gal... it works! Proven!! Want to hear more about it? Here's Janice's BLOG! and while i'm plugging for my friends, here's Meal's blog too! By the way Janice didn't have to sing in Aural theory... So she's definentally having a good day!

I finally got around to playing the soprano today!! But I feel a little sick so I only played for about half an hour, I think i'm going to take it to small jazz with me tonight though... I'll probably be horribly out of tune... but then again when am I not?

I'm almost halfway done The Last Unicorn.. I'm also downloading it on DivX with Kazaa Lite... I might also check if the Annville Free library has it when I go to work tonight... I also think I might make another trip to our fair library for another reading session, it was so nice.... Ohh and there is a NEW live action The last unicorn schedualed for 2004, it looks like it's going to be really really awsome, I can't wait!!
Erin's going to be working her butt off again tonight, so I probably won't get to talk to her again... that's ok though, I know she's working hard... (You try to get a Chem Degree in 3 years while slacking off) As always, i'm really excited about our upcoming Gettysburg trip (See previous Posts)

Well that's it for now... I'll more than likely type some more later tonight... Addicting blog...

When you wish to contract something, you must momentarily expand it.
When you wish to weaken something, you must momentarily strengthen it.
When you wish to regect something, you must momentarily join with it.
When you wish to size something, you must momentarily give it up.

The soft and weak conquer the strong.

Well Jason has impressed me, he moved stuff around in his closet to make the new shelving work... very impressive...

I stayed at the library till 11, it was wonderful, I got the book the Last Unicorn and read about half of it and listened to some marvelous music... The combination of them both made me feel something between crying and laughing. I love when I feel that way, so calm, so serene... It's a wonderful feeling like there is another time and place and universe for us to live in... instead of the drudgery of "the real world"

And what do you know Melius actually came up and played some videogames, didn't do a half bad job either.. I don't know if Splinter Cell gave him a chance to relax, or just made him more jittery though...
Having him up here pulled me out of my previously ephoric state... but then again i didn't expect it to last the night anyway... I just love when I feel that solem though... it's rare, I might have to start making long library trips more often... It was really nice...

Back to the Last Unicorn, I saw the movie a on TV one day and absolutally loved it... I tried to find the book but was unsuccessful, now that I think about it that was 3 years ago... Time goes by way too quickly sometimes.. Either way I finally have a copy of the book and i'm reading it, Don't know why i've never checked the library before now... for as much common sense as I claim to have, my brain isn't very functional much of the time. I actually got some work done at the library, but not all that much really... I'm not ready for my percussion mid-term tomorrow, but since no one is completly sure what exactly is on it, I don't suppose anyone is.. Except probably Proffesor Nowak, but he doesn't have to take it, so his being prepaired does none of us any good.

Jannie has been being really nice to me lately, really going out of her way even though she's sick, just little stuff, she probably doesn't even realize how much it means to me to have a friend I know at least cares how i'm feeling... Having such good friends as her and Meals really make me glad to be here..

I miss erin, She's so busy, It amazes me how much work she does, it makes me so proud that i'm going to marry someone so smart and together... I wish I had the kind of motivation she does for school work.. But it's all just busy work in my head... I'd rather be out teaching, or doing something constructive, not filling out worksheets and taking mid-terms.... Higher Education my Butt... College is just a really really expensive High School... I wish I could read and listen to music for a living... and I suppose I could be a media critic, but I think i'd need a communications degree to do that... so that would just put me back at square one eh? Yeah I thought so...

I don't rightfully know if anyone is reading a word of what I type... I'm working on getting a comments option on the bottom for you to respond but untill I do... if you feel like E-mailling me and just saying hi, it's always nice to know someone is actually sitting and wasting time listening to me gripe and moan...

I don't know what else to say... I think the library is my new friend... i'm going to be done this book in no time however, so i'm going to need to find somemore good ones... Also if anyone knows where I could get a copy of the Last Unicorn the movie... Please Please Please Please Please, let me know.......... THANKS!!

--- There is no Limit to Improvement

Make sure you all have a good night.. and remember to keep a steady balance on life.

Sunday, March 02, 2003

I hate when i'm right...
Sure enough, Jason is back and he's not really happy about us moving his Mini-shelf into the closet. Here I will retell the entire conversation...

"Hey Jas, Do you like the room?"
"Not really, I have no space in my closet now, that's where I put my dirty laundry."

No don't wait for more that was the whole conversation. I find it particuarly funny since all his dirty laundry has been sitting on the couch for at least a week now. And we certainly didn't move any dirty laundry out of the space we put the shelves, again, I hate being right.. He didn't bring as much junk back with him as I thought he would, but there are at least two bags laying in the room, one by his desk which is fine.. the other, laying in front of his dresser, which wouldn't be a problem if putting in front of his dresser didn't involve it sitting in the middle of the room. Now I have this little vision in my head of him getting back from his meetings tonight and putting all the clean laundry that is in these bags away, but my gut tells me they're going to sit there till the laundry is dirty again... and back on the couch.. Grr, so frustrating, and it's no use I say anything to him because he'll just make some comments about the huge messes I make, and I'll bring up the fact that I just cleaned up all those messes, and he'll make a big ta-do about me being a hippocrite calling him messy when i'm just as bad, and it doesn't count that I just cleaned up now cause i'll only make it messy again... and in the end he'll just stick by his argument no matter what and do his absolute best to seem the intelligent one in the conversation, mainly by berating me and my ideals..... but then again, what else is new. I can't wait for Opie to get back, see what he thinks of the whole situation... I think i've decided to just not say a word, considering Jason already thinks he's smarter than me i'll let him believe whatever he likes.....
While i'm on the subject i'll disscuss the words printed on his closet door... Joy, Love, Faithfulness, Peace, Gentleness, Patience, Goodness, Self-control, and kindness.... He follows these, sorta... He has Joy if God is involved, but not Joy in general, Love for God, sometimes I wonder if God's the only thing he loves, Faithfulness is a definent Yes, Faithfull to God, Peace... HA, HAHA..... the rest are kinda in betweens, except for Kindness, I rarely see that... He usually just kinda acts like an asshole... more so lately since he's been hanging out with Saner all the time... Ehhhh I feel bad, I don't know why I have so much hostility twoard him lately... hard to explain... Hard to balance...

Meals keeps saying he's coming down to play videogames, but he's very consistently not showed up, I can't blame him we're all busy, I just wish he'd stop telling me he'll stop by when I don't think he has any intentions of doing so... It's nice and dark in here, Have I mentioned before that I like sitting in the dark... Its conforting to me... and NO jason that doesn't make me gothic, maybe i'm a vampire, but I love Garlic, I can go out in the sun, and it's been at least a month since i've had a craving for blood..... so I dunno.... (Just Kidding about the blood thing, don't worry)

The last show of the Musical is over, it was a really excellent performance, as was every one this weekend... All very high quality, so on that note i'm sorry to see it over, but gaining all the free time I was losing to it is a relief. I never got around to the Saprono Sax tonight, or the Dojo, I swear if I don't practice soon all i'm going to be able to do with my Nunchaku is hit myself in the head.. So much to do tomorrow, Theory Composition, Assignment for His and Lit., Study for Percussion midterm. Get all my forms and room deposits to their appropriate offices... But no instead here I sit, typing and listening to Hip-Hop, it's the life... I'm in a real mood for some good Hip-Hop tonight, makes me very glad that I have some!!!! HAHA, i'm so crafty, at least in my mind anyway......

Erin is bogged down with work like no ones business... I'm probably not going to even get to talk to her this week... Makes me Sad... But it's only a week till spring break and three luxurious days with my darlin' fiancee. So I'll live...

I think I might go to the Library tonight, Take the Mini-disc along... get some work done, I can't work here in the room... It feels wrong in here, I can't concentrate... The library has a nice aura about it... Good design job, so Kudo whoever did the planning... Kinda like my room at home, Over fall break me and Erin re-designed it, and it absolutally rocks, maybe i'll have to get some pictures of it up here... That'll have to be a future goal.. Either way, my re-designed room is so balanced, It is just plain perfect, I can focus no problem, the entire feel of it calms me and makes me feel right... hard to explain... There is to many bad vibes in the dorm... To many clashing styles and personalities...(See above paragraphs if you don't know who and or what i'm talking about). I'm glad me and opie cleaned what of the room we could, i'm really going to try and put forth a full effort to keep it this way, it'll be hard, but with some upkeep matienece i think it's doable.. Is doable a word... I'm going to investigate the web and see... Well Webster dictionary doesn't think it is... but I think it's Doable LOL, I'm so crafy, at least in my mind anyway(Is there an echo in here)

Hmm, If I'm repeating myself it's probably a good sign I should just plain step away from the computer... But typing is SO addicting... So.... So.... Addicting

Opie is on a quest this week, we've bet him he can't go the whole week without saying Fag... Now although he really doesn't mean it in any kind of derogatory manner, it's still inpolite and he says it all too frequently, so we're going to see if we can break him of it. I personally don't think he stands a chance.

Ok Ok, i'm going, i'm going.... But first I'm going to pee, and listen to these last couple of Hip-hop tunes, then it's off to the library to settle in and do some work... Im kinda excited, Maybe i'm sick, I shouldn't be excited about work... No way no how...

Success is Failure Turned inside out.. All things are balanced, good will come out of the bad, and bad just might come from the good... Learn and Live....


Ahh The smell of clean, nothing beats it I tell yah. I may be a Messy person but, after cleaning the place up, Man it feels good. Now everything seems to be in nice cleanly, well dusted, throughoughly swiffered order. Except of course for that bastion of clutter.. Bachman's Desk. We also Decided to move his mini-portable shelf into his closet, It's still accessable, not that he really uses it much anyway, and all his laundry is still on his bed (better than the couch I guess). I'm sure he's going to gripe about us moving it when he gets back, especially with my mini-table still sitting by my bed, but he'll live with it, or at least forgive us (what kind of savior would he be if he didn't). Opie did end up putting the track lights back up, yeah go me for calling that one I tell yah...

I'm really starting to get excited about this Gettysburg trip, This week is going to go slow as poop (Yeah I sound like Josh Hankey) waiting for spring break to start. But now that Mrs. Herman is paying for our room, we have at least a few extra dollars to have some fun, maybe a nice chinese buffet, and a trip to the Gettysburg outlets, sure they aren't The Rehobeth Outlets or anything, but they're better than no outlets at all. It's just going to be a really really great 3 days, 3 days with Erin ALL to myself, am I in Heaven? Possibly, or at least I will be, I still have one more week of Purgatory here at Ol' LVC.

Janice is sick, which is never a good thing, sickness being when one is not well... Either way, Hope you feel better Jannie, and for heavens sake stop doing work when your ill, worksheets don't cure a fever. Ohh and if you talk to Meals, tell him Splinter Cell is still waiting here for him... He knows he wants to come play.

Erin left her watch here, and the tape player I really didn't get a chance to give her... hehe, just plain forgot all about it, but she's so pretty it's hard for me to think of much else when she's here. I guess you could call her my own little personal addiction...

The Musical is still funny, but i'm really getting tired of playing the music, tomorrow is the last show however, and we better have a better audience than last sunday... Cause well that audience sucked... No offense if you were there at that time... I think once all this is done and over with I'm going to work on playing my Saprano Sax some more, poor thing just sits in it's nice little case, cause i'm so busy with my Tenor, and lately, the untill now ignored, clairinet. But Definentally Soprano... Definentally..

I'm sure there is something i'm forgetting to write down... Trying to put my day in review is like trying to pack for vacation... Always forgetting something... Ohh well..
I guess i'm going to have to leave it at this, I also just notices that I really go quite wild with my periods.... see right there was the perfect example... OHH OHH THERE TOOO!!!!!!

Hmm, I had some philosophical wisdom planned for the end of all this... But I can't quite remember what it was... It was quite good though I promise you...
Nuts... It's just not coming to me, you'll have to hear it another day.. I'll leave you with one of my all time favorite philosopical nuggets from Mr. Bruce Lee himself

Be like Water my Friend... Like Water....

Yeah It's not the whole quote, but I could talk about the whole quote for hours.. So you can just make due with this little chuck, and i'll give you the full skivvy a little later.. Ok? Good, Glad you understand.