Sunday, March 02, 2003

Ahh The smell of clean, nothing beats it I tell yah. I may be a Messy person but, after cleaning the place up, Man it feels good. Now everything seems to be in nice cleanly, well dusted, throughoughly swiffered order. Except of course for that bastion of clutter.. Bachman's Desk. We also Decided to move his mini-portable shelf into his closet, It's still accessable, not that he really uses it much anyway, and all his laundry is still on his bed (better than the couch I guess). I'm sure he's going to gripe about us moving it when he gets back, especially with my mini-table still sitting by my bed, but he'll live with it, or at least forgive us (what kind of savior would he be if he didn't). Opie did end up putting the track lights back up, yeah go me for calling that one I tell yah...

I'm really starting to get excited about this Gettysburg trip, This week is going to go slow as poop (Yeah I sound like Josh Hankey) waiting for spring break to start. But now that Mrs. Herman is paying for our room, we have at least a few extra dollars to have some fun, maybe a nice chinese buffet, and a trip to the Gettysburg outlets, sure they aren't The Rehobeth Outlets or anything, but they're better than no outlets at all. It's just going to be a really really great 3 days, 3 days with Erin ALL to myself, am I in Heaven? Possibly, or at least I will be, I still have one more week of Purgatory here at Ol' LVC.

Janice is sick, which is never a good thing, sickness being when one is not well... Either way, Hope you feel better Jannie, and for heavens sake stop doing work when your ill, worksheets don't cure a fever. Ohh and if you talk to Meals, tell him Splinter Cell is still waiting here for him... He knows he wants to come play.

Erin left her watch here, and the tape player I really didn't get a chance to give her... hehe, just plain forgot all about it, but she's so pretty it's hard for me to think of much else when she's here. I guess you could call her my own little personal addiction...

The Musical is still funny, but i'm really getting tired of playing the music, tomorrow is the last show however, and we better have a better audience than last sunday... Cause well that audience sucked... No offense if you were there at that time... I think once all this is done and over with I'm going to work on playing my Saprano Sax some more, poor thing just sits in it's nice little case, cause i'm so busy with my Tenor, and lately, the untill now ignored, clairinet. But Definentally Soprano... Definentally..

I'm sure there is something i'm forgetting to write down... Trying to put my day in review is like trying to pack for vacation... Always forgetting something... Ohh well..
I guess i'm going to have to leave it at this, I also just notices that I really go quite wild with my periods.... see right there was the perfect example... OHH OHH THERE TOOO!!!!!!

Hmm, I had some philosophical wisdom planned for the end of all this... But I can't quite remember what it was... It was quite good though I promise you...
Nuts... It's just not coming to me, you'll have to hear it another day.. I'll leave you with one of my all time favorite philosopical nuggets from Mr. Bruce Lee himself

Be like Water my Friend... Like Water....

Yeah It's not the whole quote, but I could talk about the whole quote for hours.. So you can just make due with this little chuck, and i'll give you the full skivvy a little later.. Ok? Good, Glad you understand.


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