Friday, February 28, 2003

Hmm, well now I have this silly thing and I don't know what to do with it! Thanks Jannie.
I suppose in the end this page will have very little to do with Meditation and Longevity, and alot more to do with giving me a space to ramble in.

So if anyone ever actually reads this perhaps they would like a little background information.

Here is the Background Information
I'm a Lebanon Valley College student
Music Education with a consentration in Jazz Studies
The Education program here sucks, the Jazz program is amazing.

In most of my free time I like to study Oriental Religon and Cultures.... In fact the above title, Meditation and Longevity, Comes from the book i'm currently
sort of reading "Taoist Meditation and Longevity Techniques" It's poorly written, and so far I haven't gotten much out of it.
I'm also skipping my way through a pretty decent translation of the I Ching, or "Book of Changes" It's reallly interesting, it basically boils down to a form of fortune telling, but it's a little more than that
It is also a way to take a step back and look at your life, and figure out where your going from this point on.

I know a lot of people, a lot of people know me, i'm an outgoing guy, So in a way I have many many many friends.
Somehow in my head I really only have about 3, yes 3 people I know I can go to just about anytime. The following list is in no particular order.

Matt Wensel - Organ Major, and one of the smartest people I know. He's also probably the closest contact i'll ever have with Satan. But a great guy all around.

The other two are
Dan T Melius (I don't think T is his actuall middle initial, but it sounds nice) and Janice Powell (They come as a set) - These two are my ideals personified.
If I had to pick any two people to represent Yin and Yang, it's be these two. Dan with his undying positive attitude, and ever cheerfullness (I don't know where he gets it being from NJ and all)
sometimes he's just a little to glad to be alive, which makes him a perfect match for..... Janice (Whom Erin claims is the cutest person in the world) [Yeah yeah, hold on i'm getting to Erin]
But in spite of being so gosh dern cute, Janice for some reason has a burning desire to be unhappy, and Yes it causes tension between her and Mr. Melius, but They're so freaking perfect for each other it always works out, no matter how dire they both think the situation is. In my humble opionion these two need each other more than peanut butter needs jelly. Either way, I can always go two these two for absolutally anything, and I depend on them alot, especially when I get to lonely from not seeing.....

Erin! Yes Erin, who does not count as one of the 3 friends because she's much more than just a friend... She's my Darling Fiancee!
When I met her my senior year in high school she took me from being depressed and unconfident, and made me the happiest little piece of shit you've ever seen.
She goes to Shippensburg University which is like technically an hour and a half away (actually more like an hour), where she is studying chemisty, with plans to go to dental school.
For these reasons the wedding isn't going to happen till 2006, probably may 20, It feels like a long time away but i'd wait till 2066, heck i'd wait till 2666 if I had to, she's the dearest thing in the world to me.
My long term goals are to teach in the public school system until Erin finishes dental school, then after she's raking in more money in a week than i'd probably make in a month, i'm going to be a stay at home dad, and cook, clean, take care of the kids and such.

And so now you know a little tiny, tinnie, bit of the scrambled eggs that is my brain...
This could indeed turn out to be addicting..... SO KEEP YOUR EYES GLUED TO THE SCREEN FAITHFULL VIEWERS

Inspiration for the day -------> We must accept being who we are.


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