Wednesday, March 05, 2003

Dearly Beloved we gather here to say our goodbyes... The blogs of both Janice Powell and Daniel T Melius, are officially not being updated from this point forth... Janice's Blog lived to a ripe middle age, but poor Daniel's died so young.. They will be sorely missed... if you wish to visit the bodies... The links are listed previously on this site...

Good morning fellow citizens, I just had breakfast, they had sausage gravy, I love sausage gravy even if i'm all out of toast. It's wonderful... It's going to be a long day, This I can tell already.. But it's one I'm going to tackle with Ferver.. hehe, I used the word ferver. Jason always complains that my away messages never say where I am.. So here I will leave my schedual for you
9-10 Music Theory IV
10-11 His and Lit of Music
11-12 percussion methods
12-1 choir
1-3 Practicing Piano, and getting a website!!
3-4 piano
5-7 annville free library (my place of employment)
after that, i'm Free!!!

So now you know where i'll be today!
So you can hunt me down and say hi, or if your too lazy to do that, just leave a comment after this message. See how nice they work out?

Ok...I'm done for the moment..

Modesty leads to success


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