Tuesday, March 04, 2003

Hey I finally managed to change to the font too!! Wow, new template new font.. aren't you all happy that I care so much as to make this astetically pleasing.. well at least to me.. sometimes I find odd fonts weird..... so if you think this font is quite unreadable.. let me know.. I"m not completly sold on it... I still haven't figured out have to add a comments bar for you all.. maybe i'll poke around and do that now...

I hope I don't have to conduct in class today, It's not that i'm not prepaired for the assignment, I'm just not in a mood to conduct today.. Go fig right? Mott was supposed to meet me in the Dojo to work on some Kenpo(Karate) Stuff this morning, but he never showed... So he better have a good explanation.

Bachman has finally found his bed, he plans on getting up for work around 1ish, but for some reason i'm not sure if it's going to happen.. He's really been kinda the walking dead all morning, not that I blame him.. it's just good he's finally getting some rest.

Early January Opie ordered a Yamaha shelf sterio, it came very late, about 2 weeks ago... but it was the wrong model and he sent it back.. Now he's waiting for the right one to show up.... But it still hasn't arrived, I worry about his mental sanity, I don't think he can wait too much longer without having a nervous breakdown, I feel for him, I hate waiting..

No word from Janice yet today, I'm kinda worried about her, I wish her brain would let her be happy..

I miss Erin, she's so cute... I really haven't talked to her so there isn't much to add, except that she told me to watch Clone High on MTV, I must admit, I laughed my ass off!! "Try and Catch ME, BITCH!" LOL Thanks for pointing out a good show to me sweetie, I need a good laugh every once and awhile.

I'm just going to say that I hope you all enjoy reading this, cause i'm really having a blast typing it, first off I love to type, it's just neat.. Secondly it does me soo much good to get my mental insides smeared all over the internet for you all..

I'd like to recomend an album... The Donnie Darco Soundtrack, so mellow, so deep, very nice, makes you almost look into your soul... good for dark rooms and deserted library's, want to give it a listen... Let me know i'd be more than happy to see that you get it.


"Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend."-

That right there, is my mentality in a nutshell, have questions about any of my Philosopical quotes? Wanna know the sources? Want my take on them? Just let me know!


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