Tuesday, March 04, 2003

New Template!! I like it better, more balanced, too much blue to look at with that other thing.. Reminded me sort of an airport or something, not very plesant at all...

Jason has studio time from 3 till 5 am... so he's still up and doing work, trying to kill time till 3... He is going to be one tired camper tommorow morning... Not that I won't, but I won't be a complete zombie.

Janices attempt to make herself happy has apperently failed already, having had the worst day of her life(like every other) we her friends and loved ones don't understand.. and aren't listening... None of this is true of course... but, i'm out of good arguments... I feel bad for Dan, he's taking the brunt of Janice's sorrow and even his cheerful demeanor is wearing thin.. I feel bad for Janice, happiness just seems to elude her like .... like... like it's too late and I can't think of a good analogy.. man, Why am I still up this late..... I guess I'm just worried about my friends... and my brain is making me fill time with typing... I usually think of myself as a pretty helpful problem solving guy... but I dunno, I'm out of good advice, my methods haven't helped... I feel almost at a point of failure, but I give up nay so easily....

I was reading through the I ching and decided to give it a try... I asked the "oracle" what the outcome of me playing soprano sax would be tonight... It said Success.. so I played, and well! I don't think i'll be getting any record deals, but I haven't played that well on Soprano..... So i'm happy about that, don't cha know...... Does anyone remember Bobby's World? Good cartoon, shame it's not on any more. Of course neither is Fraggle Rock..... I wish I was a Fraggle, Of course i'm just content saying Fraggle, what a great word.... Fraggle... WELLLLLLLLLLLL aren't I just digressing this evening...

Erin spent another night working, but I actually got to call her on the phone for a few minutes, It really made my night!!! I miss her so much... but we'll get to hang out soon... Saturay we're going to kick off spring break with a trip to A-Won Buffet, the best place on earth(but not nessisarily the healthiest)... Also I have an eye doctors appointment for the thursday I get back from Gettysburg...
Did I mention my Birthday is coming up fast? April 7th, mark those calanders... Well maybe not, i'll probably forget about it by the time it gets here...

I think i've run out of witty things to say!!!

But for my bit of philosophy, I will ask the "oracle" of the I ching what message I should give you... We'll see what it comes up with...
I'm coming up with Chen - the arousing (shock, or thunder)
So here is the motivation I've pulled from this passage

The superior man sets his life in order
and examines himself

--- think about it


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