Sunday, March 02, 2003

I hate when i'm right...
Sure enough, Jason is back and he's not really happy about us moving his Mini-shelf into the closet. Here I will retell the entire conversation...

"Hey Jas, Do you like the room?"
"Not really, I have no space in my closet now, that's where I put my dirty laundry."

No don't wait for more that was the whole conversation. I find it particuarly funny since all his dirty laundry has been sitting on the couch for at least a week now. And we certainly didn't move any dirty laundry out of the space we put the shelves, again, I hate being right.. He didn't bring as much junk back with him as I thought he would, but there are at least two bags laying in the room, one by his desk which is fine.. the other, laying in front of his dresser, which wouldn't be a problem if putting in front of his dresser didn't involve it sitting in the middle of the room. Now I have this little vision in my head of him getting back from his meetings tonight and putting all the clean laundry that is in these bags away, but my gut tells me they're going to sit there till the laundry is dirty again... and back on the couch.. Grr, so frustrating, and it's no use I say anything to him because he'll just make some comments about the huge messes I make, and I'll bring up the fact that I just cleaned up all those messes, and he'll make a big ta-do about me being a hippocrite calling him messy when i'm just as bad, and it doesn't count that I just cleaned up now cause i'll only make it messy again... and in the end he'll just stick by his argument no matter what and do his absolute best to seem the intelligent one in the conversation, mainly by berating me and my ideals..... but then again, what else is new. I can't wait for Opie to get back, see what he thinks of the whole situation... I think i've decided to just not say a word, considering Jason already thinks he's smarter than me i'll let him believe whatever he likes.....
While i'm on the subject i'll disscuss the words printed on his closet door... Joy, Love, Faithfulness, Peace, Gentleness, Patience, Goodness, Self-control, and kindness.... He follows these, sorta... He has Joy if God is involved, but not Joy in general, Love for God, sometimes I wonder if God's the only thing he loves, Faithfulness is a definent Yes, Faithfull to God, Peace... HA, HAHA..... the rest are kinda in betweens, except for Kindness, I rarely see that... He usually just kinda acts like an asshole... more so lately since he's been hanging out with Saner all the time... Ehhhh I feel bad, I don't know why I have so much hostility twoard him lately... hard to explain... Hard to balance...

Meals keeps saying he's coming down to play videogames, but he's very consistently not showed up, I can't blame him we're all busy, I just wish he'd stop telling me he'll stop by when I don't think he has any intentions of doing so... It's nice and dark in here, Have I mentioned before that I like sitting in the dark... Its conforting to me... and NO jason that doesn't make me gothic, maybe i'm a vampire, but I love Garlic, I can go out in the sun, and it's been at least a month since i've had a craving for blood..... so I dunno.... (Just Kidding about the blood thing, don't worry)

The last show of the Musical is over, it was a really excellent performance, as was every one this weekend... All very high quality, so on that note i'm sorry to see it over, but gaining all the free time I was losing to it is a relief. I never got around to the Saprono Sax tonight, or the Dojo, I swear if I don't practice soon all i'm going to be able to do with my Nunchaku is hit myself in the head.. So much to do tomorrow, Theory Composition, Assignment for His and Lit., Study for Percussion midterm. Get all my forms and room deposits to their appropriate offices... But no instead here I sit, typing and listening to Hip-Hop, it's the life... I'm in a real mood for some good Hip-Hop tonight, makes me very glad that I have some!!!! HAHA, i'm so crafty, at least in my mind anyway......

Erin is bogged down with work like no ones business... I'm probably not going to even get to talk to her this week... Makes me Sad... But it's only a week till spring break and three luxurious days with my darlin' fiancee. So I'll live...

I think I might go to the Library tonight, Take the Mini-disc along... get some work done, I can't work here in the room... It feels wrong in here, I can't concentrate... The library has a nice aura about it... Good design job, so Kudo whoever did the planning... Kinda like my room at home, Over fall break me and Erin re-designed it, and it absolutally rocks, maybe i'll have to get some pictures of it up here... That'll have to be a future goal.. Either way, my re-designed room is so balanced, It is just plain perfect, I can focus no problem, the entire feel of it calms me and makes me feel right... hard to explain... There is to many bad vibes in the dorm... To many clashing styles and personalities...(See above paragraphs if you don't know who and or what i'm talking about). I'm glad me and opie cleaned what of the room we could, i'm really going to try and put forth a full effort to keep it this way, it'll be hard, but with some upkeep matienece i think it's doable.. Is doable a word... I'm going to investigate the web and see... Well Webster dictionary doesn't think it is... but I think it's Doable LOL, I'm so crafy, at least in my mind anyway(Is there an echo in here)

Hmm, If I'm repeating myself it's probably a good sign I should just plain step away from the computer... But typing is SO addicting... So.... So.... Addicting

Opie is on a quest this week, we've bet him he can't go the whole week without saying Fag... Now although he really doesn't mean it in any kind of derogatory manner, it's still inpolite and he says it all too frequently, so we're going to see if we can break him of it. I personally don't think he stands a chance.

Ok Ok, i'm going, i'm going.... But first I'm going to pee, and listen to these last couple of Hip-hop tunes, then it's off to the library to settle in and do some work... Im kinda excited, Maybe i'm sick, I shouldn't be excited about work... No way no how...

Success is Failure Turned inside out.. All things are balanced, good will come out of the bad, and bad just might come from the good... Learn and Live....



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