Monday, March 03, 2003

Well Jason has impressed me, he moved stuff around in his closet to make the new shelving work... very impressive...

I stayed at the library till 11, it was wonderful, I got the book the Last Unicorn and read about half of it and listened to some marvelous music... The combination of them both made me feel something between crying and laughing. I love when I feel that way, so calm, so serene... It's a wonderful feeling like there is another time and place and universe for us to live in... instead of the drudgery of "the real world"

And what do you know Melius actually came up and played some videogames, didn't do a half bad job either.. I don't know if Splinter Cell gave him a chance to relax, or just made him more jittery though...
Having him up here pulled me out of my previously ephoric state... but then again i didn't expect it to last the night anyway... I just love when I feel that solem though... it's rare, I might have to start making long library trips more often... It was really nice...

Back to the Last Unicorn, I saw the movie a on TV one day and absolutally loved it... I tried to find the book but was unsuccessful, now that I think about it that was 3 years ago... Time goes by way too quickly sometimes.. Either way I finally have a copy of the book and i'm reading it, Don't know why i've never checked the library before now... for as much common sense as I claim to have, my brain isn't very functional much of the time. I actually got some work done at the library, but not all that much really... I'm not ready for my percussion mid-term tomorrow, but since no one is completly sure what exactly is on it, I don't suppose anyone is.. Except probably Proffesor Nowak, but he doesn't have to take it, so his being prepaired does none of us any good.

Jannie has been being really nice to me lately, really going out of her way even though she's sick, just little stuff, she probably doesn't even realize how much it means to me to have a friend I know at least cares how i'm feeling... Having such good friends as her and Meals really make me glad to be here..

I miss erin, She's so busy, It amazes me how much work she does, it makes me so proud that i'm going to marry someone so smart and together... I wish I had the kind of motivation she does for school work.. But it's all just busy work in my head... I'd rather be out teaching, or doing something constructive, not filling out worksheets and taking mid-terms.... Higher Education my Butt... College is just a really really expensive High School... I wish I could read and listen to music for a living... and I suppose I could be a media critic, but I think i'd need a communications degree to do that... so that would just put me back at square one eh? Yeah I thought so...

I don't rightfully know if anyone is reading a word of what I type... I'm working on getting a comments option on the bottom for you to respond but untill I do... if you feel like E-mailling me and just saying hi, it's always nice to know someone is actually sitting and wasting time listening to me gripe and moan...

I don't know what else to say... I think the library is my new friend... i'm going to be done this book in no time however, so i'm going to need to find somemore good ones... Also if anyone knows where I could get a copy of the Last Unicorn the movie... Please Please Please Please Please, let me know.......... THANKS!!

--- There is no Limit to Improvement

Make sure you all have a good night.. and remember to keep a steady balance on life.


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