Saturday, November 19, 2005

Good evening friends and enemies <-- (spelled that right just for you anonymous :) ), I've been spending some time with my poetry recently.. and have been considering trying to get some of it published.. I don't think i'll ever be a great poet or anything... but it's a hobby that fits well with my music. (anyone who doesn't think music is embedded in poetry, need only read a little kerouac.. or even better yet find a recording of him reading it himself.. My personal favorite is October on the Railroad earth, which i have a recording of.... but actually can't find a written version of ohh well I digress) ANYWAY.... I'm going to post some of my stuff here, as this is my place of posting stuff.. and also because i have no other easy outlet for critisism and compliment alike... So, please let me know what you think, and feel free to correct spelling, it'll give you something to do if all else.

As a partial forward to this post.. any of my dear old LVC'ers, the train mentioned here-in is in fact that dear line that ran behind ohh so many of our freshman dorms, and gave us reason to turn our TV's ohhh so much louder for minutes at a time. and though annoying at first, i think gave all of us a sense of comfort.

Tired Sounds reach tired eyes,
that appear saddened by the strain.
Your lonely walk home didn't have to be.

True an evening with friends heals much,
but by your face the scars run depper.
If we were still where the train went by,
I would think time much slower.

Growing old is worse than dying,
in death we all live forever.
Then being a whole, those friends never part,
and the train always whistles by.

Four houses with two spacious chambers each,
Named Birth and Death, wherein Time joys and grieves.
Is there no Fate so wise enough to teach
Into which door Life enters and retrieves?
What matter since his voice is out of reach,
And Sorrow fills My House of Falling Leaves!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Hugine: i think you'd be awesome as silent bob
Hugine: meals could be jay
redclawthepirate: haha
Hugine: a different kind of jay
Hugine: and a different kind of bob
redclawthepirate: we could rule dirty jerz
Hugine: hahaha

Whew, time for an update.......

Lets see, my sisters play was HILARIOUS, they really did a great job, by far the best play Dover's done in many years...
You'll Shoot your eye out kid. LOL

-- The upside of divorce -- Two turkey dinners... Amen

Restaurant recommendation, especially for you Dover (land of the damned) kids who'll be home for the holidays... Moonlight cafe... sure it looks like a creepy dive... but inside is quite nice... and the panini is fantastic... even if the waitress does look like she's kept locked in the basement.

Arrangements are all made for the new years beach trip with the E-town people... Definentally looking forward to that..

Also if you didn't know The house of falling leaves (me, bachman, meals, and brendan) first podcast seems to be a smashing success just search under I-tunes for The house of falling leaves... plus look for episode II sometime soon.

Uhh seems there was something else... but i'm not sure what... I'll let you know, shit chillun you know me.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

"The best thing for being sad is to learn something."

Sunday, November 13, 2005

I hate you so much it makes me sick; it even makes me rhyme. I hate it, I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you lie. I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry. I hate it that you're not around, and the fact that you didn't call. But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.