Thursday, November 13, 2003

Why do I have to write so much? I have so much stuff to write it's totally redic... Grr Re-writes of english papers.. Observations, concert reviews... so much writing and for a po boy like me who can't write well, it's just not cool... Ohh well, it really wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for that damn MLA format, darn that MLA... ohh well, Copy right laws the way they are make it near impossible to have an original idea of your own it's really dumb... anyway, this week has been going fairly well really, mostly i'm just trying to wind up for the small jazz concert on friday, obviously not tomorrow, but next friday it's going to be the most super best concert of my life, I know it... my group is just such good players, i'd say we're good enough to be considered profesional... so it's going to be a pretty killer set... especially with the set list we have ready, Blues for Queen D, All Blues, Pavane for a Dead Princess (arranged by Bachman) Well you Needn't and possible Pass the Peas :) which will be quite rockin I assure you.
So I have to teach in my observation classroom tomorrow, and i'm really not looking forward to it at all... I really feel like i'm intruding it's so hard to find a song and a lesson that I feel isn't going to interfere with how the current teacher runs his classroom... it's just sorta... invasive, he doesn't seem to care but I do.. Plus I guess i'm just not sure how ready I am to take on 30 odd 5th graders that early in the morning. But i'll do it, then it'll be done, and that'll be that... nuff said.. I'm really very very very ready for this semester to be over, although I doubt next semester will be any better... The end of school is drawing dangerously near... i'm not sure I like it at all... not one little bit. But I guess it's inevitable...
So I guess it's back to writing things I don't enjoy for me... unlike my blog... but at least as soon as all this week is over.. I can go home and most importantly SEE ERIN!!!!!! YEAH HAPPY DAN! I miss my erin, so I can't wait, speaking of weight, I'm sure i've lost some, Someone even told me today that I was looking alot better and that made me feel good... because two weeks ago I really was starting to look like crap... too fat... as I would say... but it's all getting better... THANKS DR. ATKINS! hehe, and my own willpower.... and rum, which doesn't have carbs...

Somedays I feel like a Pirate... No wait, I always feel like a pirate.

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

So let's see what going down, not much really, This week is going fast, and i'm finally starting to feel like i've caught up on some of my work... Some mind you, I still have a thousand odd things to get done, but it's all good, as long as I can survive teaching on friday, This really isn't a great week for it, but it'll have to do anyway. It's been over a full week since I started my diet, I haven't cheated at all :) which i'm rather proud of, I definentally feel like i've lost a few pounds... not hardly enough, but a few anyway.... Won't know for sure till I go home this weekend and face.... THE SCALE! ahh yes, whoever invented it should be shot... I guess it's good for weighing food, and weighing Elements or whatever cute chemists with nice butts (actually I only know one cute chemist with a nice butt...) use, but whoever invented one for weighing people.... not a good idea dude.

Umm, i'm brain dead, so i'll write more, probably obnoxiously soon.

Monday, November 10, 2003

Do you know whats the smallest book written ever?
its "What Guys Know About Girls"


"How to make a bad day worse"

So it was a lazy lazy sunday afternoon, and somehow it's not a lazy lazy 2 o'clock in the monday morning... I really don't have a burning desire to sleep, but I will any given minute, so we'll see what transpires...
I went to the Dojo today in full attire, my sword, my nunchaku, and the leather jump rope, half an hour later I realized how pathetically out of shape I have become, the new diet (which is still going strong) will help me loose the fat, but it's sure not going to help my weak little muscles... So I need to add some more physical stuff to my day... I don't know where exactly i'm going to find time for this.. but ohh well, That's just life I guess... I really think I am loosing some weight and that really makes me happy, i'm not positive yet, it hasn't even been a full week, but I definentally feel likes i've shed some baggage, which is a really nice feeling.


?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

Nemesis, kinda cool, much like me in many ways... So now I think is an appropriate time to bring up my real identity, I am Actually ODIN THE GOD OF EGGS! Fear my power, for all eggs bow before me. Sorry, Odin the god of eggs encompassed the whole of my breakfast conversation, odd yes, strang yes, somehow oddly like me you bet. It just doesn't pay to be normal, so I don't even try... FOR I AM ODIN GOD OF EGGS!


The ULTIMATE personality test
brought to you by Quizilla

"Seer, I think that fits me well too... boy online personality test are scary when they're accruate, or maybe it's just accurate in my own mind, it's sort of hard to tell sometimes... Boy now it is starting to get late, my eyelids are heavy and i'm rambling... You may ask? Why would you update your blog so late at night? I'll tell you, because I love my Erin with all my heart! She is the greatest girl in the world! No Lie! And I promised her that i'd update this blog... Now, I've broken promises before, i'm only human, but i'm going to keep this one... and you say Well why not just write a few words instead of going on and on and on... well frankly, Not only do I want to keep my promise, but I want to show Her just how freakin much I want to make her happy... So instead of just giving you some mindless bloggy dribble, I'm making a full length, hoot and hollar of a post, that my Fiancee whom I love more than anything! Can be proud to read! That's Right I LOVE MY ERIN, and i'd blog till hell freezes over if it would put a smile on her face :) because thinking about her always puts a smile on mine. So i'll leave you with this...

you suck, and that's sad
you are the "you suck, and that's sad"
happy bunny. your truthful, but can be a bit

which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Sunday, November 09, 2003

Ok time for an update! I had an excellent weekend, The jazz concert was a bit of a disapointment, the music was good and all, but I didn't get to take even one single improv, and I love jazz, but I love improv more than anything, Not getting to do any at the concert took something away from it for me. The even was more than fine however! Because Erin came up! and I had a very good evening with her, because she's the most charming wonderful person in the world! Plus my dad and sister(whom has her driving permit) came up and took us all to friendly's, which was only partially friendly because since i'm on atkins, like, well I had a burger and with no roll, which wasn't a big problem, the big problem was that I had this entire platter of fries that I wasn't allowed to touch! I'm so glad though that Erin and my family made me stay honest, I haven't weighed myself yet, but i'm fairly sure i've begun to loose weight... it's weird, youc an just sort of feel it.

Then Saturday night, Dan and Janice were nice enough to invite me along to go see the Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra play, i'm honestly not the biggest orchestra fan, but it was a good concert none the less, except that they started Beethoven's 5th symphany with to many duh duh duh's yah know how it starts, duh duh duh Duhhhhhh, Duh Duh Duh Duhhhh.... well instead it was Duh Duh Duh Duh Duhhhhh, it was really really odd, the conducter really wasn't very good, I thought he had good emotional expression, but his beat patterns were all whacked, it was so hard to tell what beat he was on at any given moment. And he might as well have not even given entrances as short as they were, I think it's a very good thing that the musicians knew the music as well as they seemed to, because just left up to his conducting it would have been a very very bad concert.

And now we reach sunday, yes i'm just lazing on a sunday afternoon... It's nice it's lazy, i'm at school not at church so overall i'm happy. Which for me is rare, but i'm loosing weight I have the best girl int he world, maybe me and dan might play some racket ball tonight, the possibilities are endless! Ohh and we're changing our on campus names, we're going to start going by middle names, Mealius is now Thomas, Bachman is Daniel, and i'm Robert... should manage to mix things up real nice :) But we're talking about a guy who wears three watches, so maybe mixed up isn't even the right word for me... Ahh well, who knows... Just because I haven't plugged it in awhile, WWW.Sluggy.COM I highly recommend it, and if you start from the begining you'll have ALOT of reading material.
