So even though small jazz band last night perpetuated my mood into new happinessess... jazz tonight put me right back in my place... jazz band itself really wasn't all that bad... not great... but not bad... except that the saxes need alot of work... so last week I said.. hey guys (Guys being the saxophone section) would it be cool to do a sectional after jazz next week... yeah's all around right... So we finish up and owen starts putting his horn away... "hey owen, you coming over to practice" No not tonight... then shrack chimes in, yeah i'd rather not tonight too... well THEN DON'T SAY IT'S COOL! Grrr, it's so frustrating... especially from Owen... Sigh... I shouldn't let it bother me so much but it does... specially since Mara and Stu were all ready to go... sectionals are for us to get better AS A SECTION if only have the section comes it's only a Quasi-Sectional which helps no one... Some days I really miss the Dominants...
Chris, Damn good to hear from you... but unfortunatally we ARE all Pirates... and the Drunker we get, the more we're going to sing! Especially sea shanties, and show tunes... it's your destiny...
So, I want to go to Wal-mart tonight to get some supplies... Meals said he'd possibly come, but he also said we'd do turkey hill tonight... either way, I don't see it happening, just like it never does... but ohh well..... I"m listening to some G-Love and teh Special Sauce, darn good funky - blues band...they're just really hard to top when it comes to funky-white boy blues.. in fact they might be the only white boy rap, funk, blues band I know of! HAHA
Last night at small jazz we played Freddie Freeloader, only to a hip-hop funk beat... let me just say it really made my day... especially since Brandon Rubenik had just let me borrow his Maceo Parker CD... for those of you who don't know Maceo, Every time you hear James Brown say, Play it Maceo, follow by a killer horn solo... yeah... that's him... So I was all in a Funky mood so as it was... so it was all good... I absolutally love working with both Jim Miller in small jazz, and Andy Roberts for my Jazz lesson... i'm gaining so much from their experience, I was worried about not having Strohman so much this semester, but it's really working out for the better!! Variety rocks...
Tomorrow is my Form and Analysis Test... could get ugly... i'm my normal positive self however!
I miss my Erin, but i'll get to see her this weekend! LOVE YOU SWEETIE!
My dad still won't let on what this gift is... He's acting like it's not much.. but at the same time It seems like he's hiding something... he said he hoped it would come today or tomorrow.. but also said it could maybe be as late as next week! I hope not... i'm jittery about it already! I WANT TO KNOW WHAT IT IS!
Speaking of home, We're getting DSL :) DAN IS SO HAPPY! DSL AT HOME! DAN IS SO HAPPY!
Rabbits in the Pea Patch... Catch 'EM Catch 'EM!