Monday, July 16, 2007

I'm bored clean off my rocker. Lately i've been teaching lessons at a (semi) Local music store. It's a rather nice environment, and I have slowly been building a nice clientel of students. but sometimes I have monotanously long breaks and no where to go.
Teaching has been fine. But Musicially I feel very frustrated. Minus writing half a piano piece I just have no motivation. Actually life in general has (for the most part) just been tiring lately.
I think a lot of what has me run down is that i'm a very jaded person. Because of this, it's dawning on me, that I really don't believe in much. I have faith in just about nothing. This is actually a problem. I think faith is important. Not even religious faith nessisarily, but that is certainly one kind.
I feel like i don't truely believe in anything anymore. How horridly depressing is that? What's worse, is I really have no clue what to do about it. I could try just blindly putting my all into something. But chances are it would feel fake, and that would be worse than maybe where I am now. Just pretending that is.. that everything is hunky dory. But what do you do.
