Friday, March 14, 2003

Not much has been going on since I got home from my gettysburg vacation.. I took erin to the doctors this morning and stayed with her most of the day.. Her cough is really bad, and she's still kinda sick.. but hopefully she'll feel better soon.. Other than that it's just been dull dull dull around here... I have Kenpo and Dungons and Dragons tomorrow which could be fun... I'm kinda rusty on what techniques I do and do not know exactly... So hopefully I can get Yuhri (My old saxophone teacher, current karate instructor, and dungon master) to review that a little for me..
Sorry I haven't been updating as much lately.. being home and having to deal with a modem is a total drag.. I don't really know the status of my webpage either.. I haven't heard from Dr. Fry who was supposed to make it public... And I can't load it up.. So i'll keep you updated...

For wisdom I will explain pieces of Cottleston Pie located in one of my left hand bubbles....
A fish can't whistle and neither can I.. It just means know your limitations... and accept who you are.

Wednesday, March 12, 2003

I'm Back! Not that many of you have looked at the page at all... But that's ok, i'm sure everyone is out enjoying no school for a bit... I know I certainly have been, my mini-vacation is just what i needed, me and erin had so much fun.. Our hotel room was really nice.. I was Really quite impressed! Thanks Again Mrs. Herman for financing our fine establishment for the two wonderful nights we stayed there.. They had a continental breakfast which was surprizingly like LVC breakfasts...

I'm gearing up for monday even though we have to be in school again.. It's still St. Patricks Day! I can't wait... I've been listening to me Irish and Celtic music For the last week or so now... It's just conincidence that I got in the mood for it... But It's fitting anyway.. So I have a mini-disc filled with it.. and i'm going to keep on listening too it to celebrate the holidays...

I have my eye doctor appointment tomorrow... I think i'm just going to ask for a new pair of glasses for me upcoming birthday... Yeah there are other things I could ask for.. But i've wanted a new set of frames for quite some time... So i'll pry the folks tonight and see what kind of response I get... and maybe, I can order new glasses tomorrow!! I'll be sure to let you know...

Well that's about all i have.... Gettysburg was a blast, nice short distance to travel.. but still got us away from everything.. Which is just what we needed.. I feel very refreshed!

Sunday, March 09, 2003

It's Sunday! And i'm sure we all know what that means by now! Yes Indeed, I get to go to Gettysburg with my marveous, fantastic fiancee tomorrow thru Wednesday! I hope everyone is having a good break. I know I can't really complain about mine so far. After Gettysburg I have an eye doctor appointment, which i'm looping forward too because I'd really like a new pair of glasses... Eventhough everyone says I should get contacts, I just know i'll poke my eyes out if I try those, so new glasses it is... I've been turned down a few times already, but maybe if my eyes changed enough, i'll have to get new ones.. If not I might ask for some for my birthday, April 7th(Hint Hint).

For now though, I find myself just sittin around listening to Cowboy Bebop music and eating the sweattart hearts my sweetie got me for Valentine's Day... Which because they are essentialy 99% sugar, are making me sick to the stomache. MMM... They're just so addicting though... I'm not yet sure if this will be the last I update until I get back wednesday or not... Maybe i'll find an internet terminal sometime while i'm out, if so I could easily let you know how things are going.. I might also update again, sometime this evening... Either way Hope everyone is having a fun break.. If your going back to LVC i'll see you there, if not, happy journey's.

Today I found out in church that there is a cure for homosexuality... hehe, I can't wait to hear that one, like it's some disease or something, i'll just get a vacine so I don't become gay... Crazy church people, so hypocritcal... love everyone, unless they're not like you... Sorry, my twisted wisdom... lata.