Saturday, April 19, 2003

Today was a good day, indeed... I just won eleven straight games of Free Cell, and that ain't bad... kinda pathetic but not bad... I haven't gotten confirmation on my order of Yellow Submarine... So I guess I won't get it before I have to leave mon, first class shipping, or no first class shipping.. Ohh well... I've been listening to beatles near solid since i've been home, it's really quite nice... Erin came home friday!! It was really nice she spent the night with me and then we spent all day together.. painting easter eggs, and shopping at the mall, It was really really nice... it's been too long... It really felt like summer again, when we can spend lots of time with each other... I noticed no one has left any comments... So i'm just going to attribute that to you all having a fun easter break/weekend thingy... But I hope someone is reading this...

I have alot to do... I'll write more in here later

Let it be

Friday, April 18, 2003

Ok, I decided to talk again.. A)because after sleeping I didn't feel like not talking anymore B) it was the last day before break and I wanted to talk to all my friends and wish them a happy break... So my no talking really didn't work out, I had questions during modern latin america anyway... that I rather wanted to have answered... so I talked... hopefully not too much

I ordered yellow submarine off of last night... I really wanted to have a copy for myself because I really enjoyed it! Plus then I'll be able to watch it with Erin... She really works too hard... and it's no fair because she doesn't get any time off for Easter either... I miss her, but I think she's frustrated with me... I don't really know why... Hopefully she'll get some of the rest she deserves.

It's nice to be home in my organized room.. I don't have to live like i do up at school... plus without a smoke ban in place I can burn my incense which I do so enjoy... it's also alot nicer thanks to the Burner Erin got me... It makes everything so much nicer too... There is a little (by my standards) spider crawling up the window sill... now where most people would freak out and squish him, I know he's going to go about his bussiness and eat alot of bugs that I don't like even more than I don't like him... So i'm leaving him free to roam for now... The rest of today, i'm going to install a mouse for my family's computer(my old one, which i'm giving them since I have my Wacom Tablet), burn some incense, and clean my room.. then tonight go watch my cousin Jason be Jesus in yet another easter cantada/play, we're not sure which it really is.... Tomorrow, All I really want to do is see Erin... and after that, I want to spend time with Erin, and then... I want to be with Erin somemore, later that evening... I just want to be with Erin... (I think your getting the point) ok, i'm done... go home now

I warned you not to eat on an empty stomach.

Thursday, April 17, 2003

Nevermind, I'm talking... :)

Can't buy me love.

Mmmmmm K, here goes... Tonight went very very well... Dan and I got wings and watched Law and Order, then Janice came over with a Hard Days Night... It was a most excellent movie, the beatles are really something else... Although I must admit I liked Yellow Submarine better... Wow, I actually have some questions in my comments boxes, bravo... Let's see, I played Delta City Blues for my Music Theory IV class as an example of 20th century saxophone Techniques... As for House Music, of course I like House Music.... I think house music gets very spiritual... it's based around rhythm with is in the basic fabric of our beings... The pulse that accompanies any good house tune is synonymous with the beating of our hearts, and can lead to a very moving experience... thus as I've stated previously, I am going to study latin, and world percussion... in cultures like africa, the rhythm is more important than the melody, in western music it is opposite... I personally find the beat, and pulse, the groove if you will.. to be really KEY (Austin, i've never heard key used like that, is it a Temple thing?) I'd say it's hip... but then again, I live in another world all together...

Speaking of which, I think i've decided that tomorrow i'm going to talk as little as humanly possible... I'm just not going to say anything, unless I absolutally must... why you may ask? Is it for a deeper understanding of my soul, and the primal patterns of energy that are constantly ignored by the common layman on a daily basis? No, probably not, I just don't feel like talking... Sorry...

As for anyone correcting me on my spelling I won't have it... It's my blog, I will spell using whichever, and whatever form of any sort of words I deem useable in any such sort of pre-organicized version of their foretold usefulness that I C fit to provide. Any other problems can be taken up with upper management, which I happen to be...

I'm tired.. I'm going to bed.. More to come... but not right now.

May he guide us,
May he give us strength and right understanding.
May love and harmony be with us all.
Whom I talking about? Anyone know? I'll give you a clue---> OM

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Yeah, today is going pretty well, nothing really exciting, The multi-phonics are really coming along, so they sounded good for my presentation... Nothing else is really going on all that exciting... pretty dull? I mean is it just me having a quick dull week... not that i'm complaining... a dull week is fine by me.. all I really want is to see Erin, but i'm just going to have to sit tight and wait till saturday... But it feels like it's very far away at the moment..

After playing Delta City Blues for my presentation today I think I got everyone worked up, i've had quite a few people ask me about getting copies of it already... I think on a whole I need to expose the world to some more of the extraneous bits of music our world has developed... Then there is the music problems Opie has... Me and Bachman played a clip of the Beastie Boys, and a Clip of Eminem and asked him to name which one was Eminem.. Yeah.. It was kinda sarcastic.. but he got it WRONG! yeah that's right... kinda sad... I realized alot of people up here are mostly sheltered from anything but their own little world... But Eminem and the Beastie Boys are as alike as Wager and Britney Spears... Seriously... Bruce has never listened to music from either of them, and even he made a well educated guess... Like I said, maybe it's just me... I don't feel too well, something I ate a lunch maybe... I don't feel sick sick, just kinda queezy not right...

Ok, I guess that's all I have at the moment... Remember it's cool to leave me comment, and people will like you! So do it, my little counter is still zipping along, so I know you people are reading this at least every once and awhile... if not more than that... Either way, I'm glad to have you... I'm always open to subject matter, ask me questions, or give me suggestions...

And in this temple we all pray in unity for the same thing
with matic pause without cause
bass from those high definition speakers
sitting in the corner on each side of the room
givin' us the boom boom boom
to our zoom zoom zoom
the smell of a L lit while walking by
but the music gets me high
saint defy like and old lady in church
we get happy
we stomp our feet
we clap our hands
we shout
we cry
we dance
and we say
sweet lord, speak to me
speak to me, speak to me, speak to me
because we love house music
and on this planet it brings us together
like a family reunion every week
we eat
we drink
we laugh
we play
and we skate
so for all you hip hoppers
you do woppers
name droppers
you bill boppers
come into our house
to get deep
check it

Tuesday, April 15, 2003

Aight! My comments box's have returned to me! So now none of you have any good reasons to not leave me some comments... Today actually hasn't been going to bad.. conducting went well... work was work, instrumental lit was boring as crap.. So now all i've left is to do this repair clinic, which if you recall is what I was looking forward to today! Now if I survive my presentation tomorrow, along with class piano... to week should be mostly cake from there on out! I hope anyway, hard to say really... so tomorrow is the last of the rough... All I really want to do is see Erin, I miss her so much... it's just been way way too long since i've gotten to see her, I do not like being depraved of her...

I'm listening to James Brown, then i'm going right back to the beatles... but James Brown was just dying to be played... I mean come on people, it's James Brown!

I wonder how long this is going to run tonight? Maybe i'll blog Even ANOTHER TIME! Before today is done... who knows maybe even twice... I hope your reading frequently, because you can really get behind if you lay off a few days.. Still looking forward to doing percussion next year.. But i'm glad it's easter break time, a four day weekend will be nice, maybe 5 if tuesday really is dutchmen day... Which it appears it's going to be... Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, almost as dumb as Spring Arts (Cherry Blossom Festival).

Ok, so you CAN leave comments... So if you don't, I'll cry... Austin, I'll have your Tabasco for you.. and yes, it is aged to perfection.

There might be flies, buzzin round your eyes.. but there ain't no flies on me.

Ok, So my comment bars still aren't working.... i'll probably give the site another day or two and hopefully it'll come back to life... if it doesn't... then I will work twoards getting a new comment bar up! So I guess for the moment I can't really yell at you for not leaving comments... but I can yell at you for never sending me any E-mail... it's very disheartening to check my e-mail in the morning and get nothing but junk mail... So there, since you can't comment... you can send the E-mails... ok.. that was a brief post for you... I've got a busy day... classes, work, theory project to prep for, and the big instrument repair clinic tonight... full day for me... I'm really looking forward to anything other than the clinic... So there you go... busy day, that I'd just rather not do..

This week better get on the move...

Look at life from your own perspective.

Monday, April 14, 2003

Ok... So my post links are down for some reason.. they have been all day.. it's misconcerting... Hopefully they are just down for a little while and not down permanentally... if they're down for good.. I may have to find a new service to provide user feedback for me... That as yet, remains to be seen..

Mr. Strohman gave me the Go-ahead to do Percussion lessons next year.. i'm all wound up.. on top of this, scott broody and I found that we both like foriegn music's and we've decided we will have to do something along those lines... We're not sure what exactly.. but it should be hip either way... So i'm all ready for next year... the only thing I might be more ready for.. is this summer..

I go to talk to Erin which completly made my day.. let me just tell you... So summary for today good.

No comments - bad
World Percussion - Good
Talk to Erin - super good
World music with broody - good

Yeah... pretty good day... rockin

the lowest ebb marks the turn of the tide.

So i'm going to start this blog with an apology to my dear roommates... I get frustrated and often say things I don't mean.. and all around act like a jackass.. I know here in my blog I tend to complain about them alot.. but overall they're really great guys.. and so often I focus on the negatives instead of the positives... I thought about erasing my previous rants.. but that would only be forgetting problems.. which doesn't fix them... so if you happen to read this guys.. I'm sorry i'm not always the easiest person to live with...

So on a happier note, I talked to Bob Nowak the percussion instructor here at school.. and he's agreed to give me Latin and other world percussion lessons next year..which should be really hip.. I've always been fasinated with extraneous percussion instruments... and now i'll get a chance to be officially trained in how to use them.. which just makes me happy as crap... So i'm really excited about that... Since last night i've been listening to beatles, beatles, beatles as I so often get in the mood to do... there just isn't anything like them...

My lesson got cancelled so minus work i'm pretty much done for the day.. which is really hip... Now the only thing I really need to make today good would be too get to talk to Erin... It's just been too long.. and I miss her, just way too much...

Aim Is acting weird keeps shutting off.. kinda disturbing... I hope it normalizes

K.. that's it for the moment.. there very well could be more later.. still alot of monday left..

I'm fixing a hole where the rain in.. and stops my mind from wandering where it will go...
I'm filling the cracks that ran throught the door.. and kept my mind from wandering where it will go...
and it really doesn't matter if i'm wrong i'm right
where I belong in right
where I belong

Sunday, April 13, 2003

This is a sunday blog, although I suppose your screen will show it as Monday... which I suppose it is at this point... but it's my sunday update... so there, who are you going to belive? The internet.. or me! (the correct answer is me).. It was really sort of a long bittersweet day for me... I slept and did nothing till our choir concert, which was good.. not great... but good... Then My family took me to Hoss's which was nice... but I dunno.. It didn't really do it.. Then me and Melius went to see Janice play in some church's easter cantada (sp?)... Janice played really well.. but the cantada was just more church stuff to me... It was really great anyway.. it's been quite awhile since me and meals go to spend any amount of time together... so it was hip... Then Dan and Janice brought up Yellow Submarine for us to watch..... I loved the movie alot... it was really my style, it also affirms me of the suspicion I had that George Harrison was really on to something... both on a musical and somewhat spiritual level... I dig it alot... so that all made me happy... except that my roommates Jason "God forbid I was ever wrong" Bachman, and Matt "Stick up my ass most of the time" Grim... I won't really get into details.. but my surplanted nicknames should give you enough information... The other sorta depressing thing was in the movie they Played When I'm Sixty Four... Now I know your saying why Is the song so depressing.. well quite simply it's not.. It is however Erin and mine's song.. So Being as I haven't gotten too see her.. or even talk to her for quite sometime.. the song made me miss her quite badly and I felt very much like crying.. but didn't because the room was full of people that I had no desire to cry in front of... It's very hard being so far away from someone you love... I've brought with me some quote from the movie that I particularly liked... this one I think applies quite nicely "sixty-four years is 33,661,440 minutes and one minute is a long time......." One minute is indeed a VERY long time.. in fact it probably hasn't even been a minute since you started reading this.. and when I'm away from Erin They tick by extra slow... go fig, time always flies when I'm with her.. So maybe now you understand the root of my current unhappiness... but anyway.. your not reading this to hear about me... or well I suppose you are.. but either way you've gotten enough.. The movie really is fantastic... and I hope Janice allows us to watch the other 3 sometime.. I also include Sgt. Pepper's lonely Hearts club band as a beatles movie... Janice doesn't.. but I belive there are reasonable arguments both ways... so that's either 4 or 5 beatles movies... All of which I wouldn't mind owning.. and also of which I'd really love to watch with Erin.. Who like so many of us really loves the beatles.. of course... the only people who don't like the beatles are the people who haven't listened to them... so if by some chance you haven't yet... I don't really know what your waiting for.. they're the best... and I think safe to say.. always will be... we should give them a time period divide.. like B.C. Only it should give the music timeline a nice split.. like P.B (Pre-Beatles) and A.B (I think you can figure this one out on your own) ... So i've gotten some complaints about writing too much.... so Although I could continue.. I'll end it here..

It's all in the mind.