Friday, April 18, 2003

Ok, I decided to talk again.. A)because after sleeping I didn't feel like not talking anymore B) it was the last day before break and I wanted to talk to all my friends and wish them a happy break... So my no talking really didn't work out, I had questions during modern latin america anyway... that I rather wanted to have answered... so I talked... hopefully not too much

I ordered yellow submarine off of last night... I really wanted to have a copy for myself because I really enjoyed it! Plus then I'll be able to watch it with Erin... She really works too hard... and it's no fair because she doesn't get any time off for Easter either... I miss her, but I think she's frustrated with me... I don't really know why... Hopefully she'll get some of the rest she deserves.

It's nice to be home in my organized room.. I don't have to live like i do up at school... plus without a smoke ban in place I can burn my incense which I do so enjoy... it's also alot nicer thanks to the Burner Erin got me... It makes everything so much nicer too... There is a little (by my standards) spider crawling up the window sill... now where most people would freak out and squish him, I know he's going to go about his bussiness and eat alot of bugs that I don't like even more than I don't like him... So i'm leaving him free to roam for now... The rest of today, i'm going to install a mouse for my family's computer(my old one, which i'm giving them since I have my Wacom Tablet), burn some incense, and clean my room.. then tonight go watch my cousin Jason be Jesus in yet another easter cantada/play, we're not sure which it really is.... Tomorrow, All I really want to do is see Erin... and after that, I want to spend time with Erin, and then... I want to be with Erin somemore, later that evening... I just want to be with Erin... (I think your getting the point) ok, i'm done... go home now

I warned you not to eat on an empty stomach.


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