Monday, April 14, 2003

Ok... So my post links are down for some reason.. they have been all day.. it's misconcerting... Hopefully they are just down for a little while and not down permanentally... if they're down for good.. I may have to find a new service to provide user feedback for me... That as yet, remains to be seen..

Mr. Strohman gave me the Go-ahead to do Percussion lessons next year.. i'm all wound up.. on top of this, scott broody and I found that we both like foriegn music's and we've decided we will have to do something along those lines... We're not sure what exactly.. but it should be hip either way... So i'm all ready for next year... the only thing I might be more ready for.. is this summer..

I go to talk to Erin which completly made my day.. let me just tell you... So summary for today good.

No comments - bad
World Percussion - Good
Talk to Erin - super good
World music with broody - good

Yeah... pretty good day... rockin

the lowest ebb marks the turn of the tide.


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