Friday, April 11, 2003

Mornings just aren't cool... with the exception of waking up next to someone you love... Waking up is just one of the most sucky drawn out, life sucking things a person can do.... We need a system that allows more sleep... maybe a 30 hour day or something... If we slowed down the rotation of the earth it could do the trick.. but i'm not sure if there would be any reprecussions besides lengthening our time cycle... we'd probably throw the entire balace of our worlds delicate ecosystem (Which in my opionion is tougher than we give it credit for)..... but hey at least we'd get 4 hours more sleep right? and with an extra 4 hours getting up wouldn't have been such a bear this morning... Alarm clocks are the dumbest idea ever... i'm going to find who invented them, and shoot him... because frankly... who wants to wake up early? Probably some workaholic, like the guy who invented the alarm clock... Geez... it's to early for this I tell yah..

Meditate in your own way


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