Friday, April 04, 2003

It's the afternoon... I'm waiting for my Erin to show up... she said she'd be here at 4ish... So, Hopefully she'll be within another hour or two... But excited to death to see her! It's been just a little bit WAY too long since I last saw her, and it's aways good to see my baby... On a positive note, I belive that all my troubled friends, have reconcilled, and are once again the shiny happy people I know they are... The small Jazz concert is tonight, Because there are so many people everyone only gets one solo, By whatever miracle I don't know what, I'm actually getting to blow on Take the "A" Train.... THE ONE I ACTUALLY WANTED!! How about that! Miracles never cease... again, i'm not sure i'm going to get a chance to update tonight, I'd like to think I will... but frankly I don't think it's going to happen! So yeah... I think i've finally come to terms with turning 20 , i'm not particuarly excited about it... but I think I can at least deal with it... But then again I personally think i'm good at dealing HAHA... I'm glad I've been getting so many hits and so many positive comments from visitors to my nifty little site... I've had my counter for a month exactly and i've already generated 138 hits!! That's beans for a major website! But for me, and my little known bloggy... That ain't bad! So thank you for the support and I hope you continue to make me feel like i'm not just talking to myself all time!

Replace smoke detector batteries every jan 1


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