Friday, April 04, 2003

Good morning! I thought i'd give all you spiffy wonderful people an early morning blog to jump start this friday of fridays! Granted I'm just a wee bit too groggy too say too much intelligent... A second Lindsey commented on my page yesterday! One that i'm not sure who she is!! But she's a girl who likes videogames, tabasco sauce, mint tea, and radiohead... so how about that! There may be hope for this crazy world yet! Not much, but the few of us who are mighty will slowly take over, and soon you'll find yourselves playing video games, and drinking mint tea, and then you'll carry a bottle of tabasco sauce to the dining room with you! MWAA HAA HAA!

Whew... Sorry, I got a bit carried away there... I guess it's alot easier to be manaicle first thing in the morning... thought not nessissarily easier to spell it... As I so often do, i'm going to take this moment to plug a web site that is just swell.... The pictures created on this site are somewhere between hilarious, mind boggingly deep, and just purely thoughtful... They're simplicity adds an element of realism that's truely shocking... I recomment going back and browsing through the archives as well... You can definentally see his work evolving as the months go by... so again I say You won't regret it... Makes nice desktop backgrounds too!

Well, great... writing that just used my total creative brain functions for the morning! Now i'm running on empty already... Go fig right? LOL, Well Erin's going to be here tonight... so i'm more wound up than kid a showbiz pizza! (Chuckie Cheese's for those of you in a younger generation) But it'll always be Showbiz pizza to me... But anyway... Erin will be here, and i'll be in a blissful state... to blissful to blog? I dunno, we'll have to see

Be content to seem what you really are.


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