Monday, March 31, 2003

YAWN............. Well Folks and Folkettes, I'm tired as crap and it's only one-thirty, I didn't get much sleep during my whole New Orleans (Pronounced NeuAllanz as all one word) And we didn't get back home till 4ish then of course I had to drive up here early this morning and well... here I am, through all my classes but tired as all get out, Doc isn't here tomorrow so I only have one class and that's at twelve thrity so I think i'm going to be doing some major sleep catching up... So how was the trip you ask? Well quite possible the coolest trip ever for me... London has always been top on my places I'd like to live list... but I think New Orelans just topped it... It was like my perfect place, plenty of sun, but equal amounts of rain... A city, but a friendly city, It amazing how a place so big can still feel like a cozy little town... We had quite a few small scale adventures seeing the sights, and eating them too... Gator for instance is quite tasty, rather reminds me of sausage... I took my horn along and played for half and hour by the Mississippi River, I only played about 20 minutes before one the of the steam calyapies fired up and drowned the street musicians (myself temporarirly included) but In that 20 minutes I made 8 dollars and some odd cents which, for half an hour of practicing ain't all that bad... Guy could make a living do that stuff... The trip was wonderful, the food was wonderful... The only thing that New Orelans would need for me to move there is Erin... I miss her a whole bunch... I don't really feel like a complete person when she's not around, and all the Jazz In Orleans couldn't fill that hole... So I definentally plan on visiting again... and who knows maybe even living there some day... but Next time I go, i'm definentally going to take my Baby along... I have a sax lesson here in another 20 minutes, so I'm going to cut this short for now... But it has been quite a few days... Almost a week since I last updated!!!! So I'm going to get on that you know... Well actually I guess i'm doing that right now.... what I should say is I'll write a little more than this... probably while I'm at work today! So untill then... Smile it does you good

Darkness teaches you to appreciate light...


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