Thursday, March 20, 2003

Well, the war seems to be underway... nothing offical yet, but according to MSNBC things are more likely than not under way... scary stuff if you ask me, I can only wonder what the re-percussions of our governments actions will be.

On a much lighter note, and I HUGE relief to me. Dr. Mary Lemons sent me and E-mail confirming what I hoped was true... that I only need a 2.6 GPA to student teach... This makes me very very happy... Much Happier than you'd think something like that could make a person... this lifts the whole of my stress clean off my back... and over all makes me a happier person...

Now what could make me even happier than that you ask?
Well let me tell... It's the 20th of MARCH! I realize that doesn't mean much to you... But to me it means i've been with my Erin for a mighty two years!!! Yippie, And to make it even better I'm going to go to see her today, which makes me just about the happiest guy in the world! I so happy... Today is just a good day all around, minus the war... My glasses will be in "after 5" apperently, says Wal-Mart officials... So I guess I won't be getting them today, from the looks of things... Unless my parents get that phone call before I leave here... So if all Else I'll have to wait for tomorrow to get my nifty new specs.. Ohh so many good things are happening to me today... I like this day. Also yesterday I made some very succsessful sketches... Makes me very happy... If only I could be consistent with such things :) I guess there isn't much more for me to say right now... I'd like to thank everyone who actually reads my page for sitting and letting me blab... Feel free to leave comments so I know you've been here :) Even just a Hi would be appreciated.

Don't Harrass the Geezers Oi Oi Oi


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