Tuesday, March 18, 2003

Yeah I know I didn't update again last night... and for this I most humbly apologize... I was up until 2:30ish working on my field show for Instrumental liturature and methods... I got it done no problem but probably couldn't have gotten it done a lot faster if I wasn't so easily distracted... I swear... I must have ADD or something.. I really can't concentrate at all... I think that's partially why my grades are so low... I have all this brain power but no motivation to use and focus it for more than a few minutes... I really wish I knew how to change that about myself... It would really help me out alot... I'm really stressed about my grades... And i'm starting to act like I did pre-erin... very hyper... really obnoxious... It bothers me greatly and I need to fix it post haste...

So I suppose we're almost down to about 24 hours till war with Iraq well... a little more than 24 hours... but it's close... I thought G dubya actually gave a pretty good speech last night... and that's a huge compliment from me because I don't really care for the man... I'm not super keen on a war either... I mean I think if we've learned anything of the years... that all wars do is kill alot of people.. No amount of fighting is ever going to add up to peace... I'm not saying I have a better solution... maybe peace is a jigsaw puzzle that's missing half the pieces... maybe it's something not about to be accomplished on a large scale in this world... and who knows about the next one.. if such a next world exsists... there is no way to know that either... but that's a whole different can of worms let me tell you...

I think my dear friend Lindsay deserves a good word from me... for commenting on just about every post I put up!!! That's more than I can say for the rest of you people!!! Although attendance has been down these last couple days... I blame myself for updating so irreguarly... Either way Thanks Lindsay!!!

It's only two days until my TWO YEAR ANNIVERSARY WITH ERIN!!! Two years is really really important to me... I won't get into exactly why... but just know i'm really excited about the two year mark... I haven't really gotten to talk to Erin more than 10 minutes or so since sunday... and if that's not a drag I don't know what is... but she's busy and i'm proud of her.... my big dillema is I don't know what to get her!!! Does anyone have any good gift ideas??? What would a super cute, wonderfully smart, and amazing girl want for her two year anniversary with a dopey, goofy looking guy whom loves her alot? I dunno.. if you do... let me know..

Ok... I'm almost done work here (annville free library) and I can head back to the dorm till about 8:30 for Jazz band... Maybe me and Melius will get to play Magic tonight.. but probably not.. I dunno... But if I don't stress out soon i'm going to go bonkers....

Ohhh... and the worst news of all... there is a possibility that CURT SIPE Is going to be teaching jazz studies lessons next year... I really don't know how I could deal with that... I really hope it doesn't work out because that would make my life really really miserable... Next year at school could be really bad...

Ok i'm going now.. just thought I'd let you know how much I don't want CURT SIPE for a teacher.. I dislike him and his teaching methods quite a bit...

Ok i'm out

TROGDOR STRIKES IN THE NIGHT!!! -- PS -- My TROGDOR high score is a mighty 2045... think you can beat it? www.homestarrunner/trogdor.html


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