Monday, March 17, 2003

Wow... It's been Way too long since I last updated for you all... You've probably stopped reading!!! Anyway, i'm back at school... which in some ways is less stressfull than being around my father who for whatever reason is so grumpy that he can enjoy nothing in life... On the other hand.. Being at school is quite stressful... My teachers have basically told me I have everything it takes to make a spectacular teacher... Except for one key thing... A good Grade Point average... Right now a 2.569 I need at least a 2.8 before my junior year or I won't be allowed to student teach... Frankly this sucks big time... As of mid-term my grades are definentally not up to this par... And I'm really starting to stress about it... Some of the problem is, i'm a horrible test taker... And 90% of all my Really important graded classes are based on tests.... So suck suck suck... that's me... I'm going to start e-mailing teachers seeing if I can do extra credit type work.. and maybe look into re-taking a couple classes... to try and get better grades... Although I hate to think of all the time I'm going to waste taking classes over again... So i'm kinda bumming about that...

I have to write 6 pages of marching drill for a project due for Doc tomorrow.. his class makes me the most angry because it's such crap busy work.. I hate having my time wasted... Kenpo was fun saturday.. D&D was hip too.. that brighted saturday untill I got home and had to deal with my father....

On almost the ONLY up note this week... Thursday will be 2 years for me and Erin!!! I'm so happy... I love her so much... I also ordered new glasses... so cool, so cool... It's been 4 years since i've gotten a new pair of specs... I can't wait for them to come... probably on thursday! Wow, thursday is such a cool day!!

I'm reading American Fuji.. A book I picked up at the book outlet while I was in Gettysburg, not the best I've ever read... but very insightful in what life is like in Japan... My favorite of all places i've never been... I dunno..

I'm still stressed about my grades... I just don't know how in the world I can get them up.. I'm such a poor student... and I don't mind addmitting that... but I wish the state would find a better way to produce good teachers... Good grades don't nessisarily make good teachers... Grr. It makes me so so mad.. Ok, i'm giving myself a headache... so i'm going to stop typing for a bit... but I will possibly update again later tonight... and i'll try to keep it up on a regular basis from here on out...

a week and a half till New Orleans! How spiff for me...

Get up, Get up, and Jam


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