Monday, March 24, 2003

Whew, Well I had all the best intentions of updating last night... but I was tired and on top of that i'm nearly convinced I have mild ADD I just can't focus on anything i'm not intensly involved in.... that list being only a few things, Erin, Videogames, Cards and jazz...
As I predicted last time I updated today (monday) is going fairly easy... tomorrow however will be another matter all together... His and LIt test, conducting test, amoungst all my other classes... Not cool, not cool at alll I say... But otherwise things are going well.... Everyone likes my haircut and glasses... although Most people don't realize both of them.... they either see my new glasses... or my haircut... both I think are just too much for people to realize at once.... but that's cool... So If I survive tomorrow i'll be on my way to New Orleans!!! Yippie for me.. a psudo vacation might be just the thing right now... Sunday wasn't bad either... not exciting but not bad... I finally figured out how to view private feedback messages... so to anyone who sent me private feedback i'm sorry but I didn't read it till now!! I'd like to say hi to some folks who consistently read my little informative spread.... Austin and Abby, Lindsey, Melissa, Janice (and Dan?) and of course my beautiful and charming Erin (She's so cute, Man I love her) So Thanks all for reading this muck, and if your reading this and pissed because I didn't mention you.... LEAVE SOME FEEDBACK! How else do you think i'm going to know you were here... Geez... get all offended... So perhaps I'll write more later today... maybe not much later, i'll have some time down at the annville free library that I might update a bit... we'll see...

Untill then happy people.... smile.. it makes you look cute.


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