Thursday, April 03, 2003

Well things are certainlly interesting around here, people forgetting who they are, people realizing who they really are... me sitting in the middle... Crazy Crazy Crazy... But overall I think this was good for a thursday.. and even better tomorrow is friday! How cool is that, I get to play some Jazz and see my baby! I can't wait honestly, i'm all wound up and ready... Although I want to work on my improves on my tunes tomrrow, they're ok, but nothing fantastic... I'm going to rant some more about Hail to the Thief and Tabasco sauce... Both are wonderful... Not as wonderful as my Erin mind you... but pretty good none-the-less.... Tabasco sauce adds such a marveouls taste to everything it comes in contact with.... Maybe i'm obbsessed... There haven't been alot of comments on my last couple posts... Am I boring? I know your reading this.... Do I need to beg for a comment every time I write something new?! I also didn't managed to get anything cleaned up last night either don't you know... First I got sidetracked with a drawing, and then Meals came up and we had some fun HALO action going on... Butt Rockets and all... Don't ask... Well I guess you can ask... Butt Rockets is a 50 Kill death match with on Grenades and Rockets... If you understood that, I hope you appreciate it's Magesty... If you didn't it'd bore you anyway... I don't quite know why girls in general don't enjoy videogames with the same passion and zeal that us guys do... Has anyone ever tried to explain it? They should I think... Or maybe we'll just leave it one of those great unsolved mystery's... So what can you do? Is that show still on TV? Unsolved Mystery's.. I guess not that went off the air awhile ago... I bet they could have gotten to the bottom of this... or the top, respectivly...haha...

I don't know if I could live without the delete key. I mean honestly... One of the kids in the youth room just told me that their typing teacher doesn't allow them to use the delete/backspace key... How wrong is that!!! I mean seriously that's just harsh... and not very realistic... The delete key is a most important part of typing!!!!! I swear to bob it really is! I'm bored... and tired, I really can't wait too see Erin, It's just going to be so wonderful... its just been too too too too too too long since I last saw her... I don't function well when i'm that far away from her for so long.... Ohh well, i'm getting by, but I will be so terribly happy to see her...

Hmmm... what else is new? Not much really... Kinda a dull life i'm having... but worthwhile and interesting none the less... I'm really starting to appreciate the person i've become and the way I live my life... I feel i'm finally on some fairly sturdy ground in my life... I could still stand to loose a few hundred pounds... but A)Looks aren't everything... and B)I just love who I am... I feel myself as a person more than makes up for my many shortcomings... This bright outlook is very unlike me... but it's been going strong for sometime now... Maybe i'm really starting to live the taoist principles that I preach so often... and yes anyone i've given advice too more likely than not i've mentioned at least a little bit of taoist wisdom whether you realized it or not... of course it's also a little christianity and a bit of buddism, Maybe some Hinduism.. it's hard to say... The ideals of the worlds religions cross each other so often it's amazing.. The similarities are often astounding... Ok... I still might have more to write later tonight... but things are going strong!! Ohh yess. Strong indeed... and they can stay that way as far as i'm concerned! Ohh yes indeed... So for now.. i'll leave you with that... I hope your ok with that... if you want more... ASK FOR IT! HAHA yeah use that comments bar... you KNOW you want to.. you can feel your mouse slowly gravitating twoard it... there you go... there you go... See Don't you feel better now that you've left a comment? What?! You haven't... Well what are you waiting for! It's so cool! Do it! Everyone else is!

Everything that happens can at certain times and for certain people be a stepping stone twoard spiritual growth... We must go forward from where we stand, you cannot jump to the absolute.


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