Friday, April 11, 2003

So as much as I have been diggin on my new found wealth of indian music... I find myself sitting here listening to the Amelie Soundtrack again.. it's just so haunting and beautiful.. it really does wonders for my state of mind.... it's just my kind of thing yah dig? I played me sax.. the Multiphonics are easy for me to get out and tons of fun too!! This could turn out to be a good project afterall! Wouldn't that just be swell beyond swell! I think so.. If only I could play my overtones, and the altissimo range as well as I do the multiphonics i'd be set... Sorry.. I guess none of that made any sense to any of you..

Then there is the matter of the Cherry Blossom Festival (previously Spring Arts) this weekend... Or rather, the everyone gets unnessisarily drunk and loud festival... one of the most irritating times of the school year if you were to ask me... My main goals tomorrow are cleaning my room and getting laundry done... that's a festival all in it's own... what makes this suck ever worse is because of the musical ensembles I am a part of that have to play during our fine festival... I don't get to see Erin at all this weekend... not even Sunday when her parents invited me along to the Olive Garden! Frankly I think it sucks alot... I'd much rather be at the Olive Garden with Erin than singing in the choir concert... but It's either sing or fail so... my hands are tied... which doesn't make me happy...

Speaking of Erin, she's sick!! (and it's not even a vacation babes!) I hate being all the way over here in Annville, all the time, but especially with her not feeling good.... i'd really really rather be there so I can take care of her... I feel very helpless stuck here and not being able to leave... I miss her, and I want to be with her, and be able to care for her since she doesn't feel well... So when you read this hunny make sure your drinking lots of fluids (water!) and eat some soup, and get some sleep and take some medication! And most importantly know how much I love you!! Cause your the most beautiful wonderful, amazing person I know!!

My computer is crappy, it spazes out on a regular basis... most of the time without so much as a warning.. random programs won't work at random times... thank goodness my blog is still funcitonal! Where else could I type the usless information I keep in my brain!! And even more importantly how would you read it!! Ok.. I need to mention a CD i'm sure 99% of you aren't into jazz... but if you were and for heaven's sake if you were a jazz major you MUST MUST MUST get yourself a copy of the Jaco Pastorius Birthday concert! It's quintisential people!!! If you need it (meaning if you don't have it) Let me know! It's a must that you have it and hear it IMMEDIATLY! NO EXCEPTIONS JAZZ MAJORS...

Freight Train, Freight Train run so fast...
Freight Train, Freight Train run so fast...
Please don't tell what train im on
they won't know what route i'm on

When i'm dead and in my grave
No more good time here I crave
Place the stones at my head and feet
tell them all that i've gone to sleep.

Sorry I know that wasn't relevant but it's the classical folk song that I was just now listening to by Elizabeth Cotten.. A fabulous Guitar player and a.. well... she's a singer too...
I just felt like sharing those spiffy little words.. but they really don't hold any signifigance for the moment!

I really should go to bed... but I'm drawn to keep typing for the moment.. at least my first class isn't until 10 tomorrow... small pleasures right? Yeah... His and Lit, Choir, a Sax Lesson... then i'm free till the saturday morning choir rehersal.... tomorrow shouldn't be too bad... although I'd find it alot more enjoyable if I could see Erin... In fact... Maybe if she doesn't mind I'll go up to see her... I'll have to ask... I couldn't stay long because of that stupid rehersal in the morning... but Even seeing her for a few minutes is worth the drive to shippensburg... I've been staring at this screen too long, I think i'm starting to halucinate... and I know I spelled that wrong... but ohh well... I just can't say I very much care about spelling.. this is my space, and i'll spel werds howlever eye whant too...

I've been having a hard time finding inspiration for my drawings... although today I manged to make my first successful go at a saxophone player... i've tried doing them a couple times but never to any avail.. but this one I think turned out pretty good... I'm going to take him to the computer lab tomorrow and scan him so I can go at him with Painter 7 and the Wacom tablet... See if my digital art abilities exceed my manual art abilities! It's hard to say.. I like drawing... and I also like Drawling out my woooooorrds... But I only need more practice at drawing, I can already drawl pretty well, at least, when I put my mind to it... I think everyone should have a blog? So why don't you yet? Because your too busy.. well that's understandable... but if it's because you don't know how to get one! go to it's fast simple and tons of fun! I mean look how much fun i'm having!! Of course that doesn't mean your enjoying reading this as much as i'm enjoying typing it... but I'd like to at least think you all enjoy what I write... or else I probably wouldn't sit around and write it..... Did that last sentence make cents? let me re-read that... Ok yeah that made sence... I did it write, or right rather... hehe... i'm really full of puns tonight... how many have you caught? I've been dropping them all over the place... you might call me a punster... an aging punster... but a punster non-the-less...

So here is a question for you.. is a hypenated word.. such as Re-evaluate... One word? or two? or is it a compound word like Doghouse... if so then what's up with the hyphen? If anyone actually knows please tell me... punctuation isn't my strong suit as you can probably tell by my plethora of periods........... .... ........ ................., ......... .......... .......... Ok I digress... I think it's time I put this old sack of guy to sleep... Yeah I said old.. are you aware that the fine children in the Annville free library youth room think I look between 25 and 30... you know how old that makes a guy feel... I had to show them my drivers license before they'd belive me that I was 20... I think i'm turning into a crochety old man.... I'm feeling much more crochetier already... So i'm going for real now to rest my weary old bones...

Trees that bend survive longer than trees that break in the wind....


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