Monday, April 07, 2003

Mean Mr. Mustard Sleeps in the park, shaves in the dark try'n to save paper....

But it's my birthday, and Damn thanks to all my friends, I think It's been the best ever.... The snow cancelled evening classes.... and work, giving me all afternoon and evening free... which is fine by me... I got so much cool stuff from so many cool people... Erin, Lindsay, Melius, Janice.... It was really unexpected and not nessisary you guys, but it was very appreciated and I can thank you enough for really feeling loved I tell yah... So not much going on, I took some Ibupropherin and my back didn't feel to bad today, made some nunchaku work and light streching will finish off my recovery... We'll see... It's been a nice normal, regular day... Dunno quite how to take it... it's ok though, i'm sure tomorrow will find someway to suck!! Can't have too much of a good thing all at once! Yippie for this being our LAST FULL WEEK OF SCHOOL! Now if I could just find a summer job.. maybe that's what i'll go do now...

When you told me, you didn't need me anymore, well you know I nearly broke down and dy-e-i-e-ied


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