Wednesday, April 09, 2003

This is my Blog, HEY! This is my Bloggggggg... This is my bloggy bloggy BLOG!!! Man that musical has been over for months and I still have those stupid tunes in my head... freakin catchy music... That has no right to be stuck in my head when I should be hearing acorrdian music, and nifty atonal stuff... anyway... I won't bore you with all that music major crap... either you have no clue what I'm talking about... or you've heard it a million times in all your classes already... So i'll just let sleeping dogs lie... Although i'm not too keep on having sleeping dogs lie to me... although i'm not sure how keen i'd be on them telling me the truth either! It's just be freaky! Yes Sa! So.. let see what else is news? Well Erin got the dorm room she wanted! I haven't talked to her about it, but she left me a message! So I hope that means she's having a good day! Because I want her to ALWAYS have good days! I'm going to eat dinner late, because i'm working.. but Jason is going to wait and eat with me.. then we're going to wal-mart! Also me and Mott signed up to have the Dojo Tonight! So maybe we'll get to beat the crap out of each other like we always do! Now tell me that's not fun! We signed up as "LVC Freestyle Martial arts" and added that anyone was welcome to join us... I don't know if anyone will bite on that.. but maybe someone will show up! It'd be kinda cool getting some other people who enjoy the martial arts in there working out and sparring and junk... And I'll of course have my jump rope, sparring gloves, and nunchaku with me! I really hope to spend what little is left of this year, and all summer really getting into shape... but i've told you all this before.. so i'll leave it at that...

You ever notice how Lemon juice is made with artificial flavors? And yet dishwashing liquid is made with real lemons? Is there something wrong here? Why not take the artifical stuff and put it in the dishwashing liquid, and take the real thing.. and get some decent lemon juice to make lemon squares, and lemon crumb cake, and lemon hard candy's, and frozen lemon stuff, and lemonade? Maybe it's just me....

I also think more Psychic's should be winning the lottery... especially ones where you pick numbers? Or shouldn't they know when to buy and sell on the stock market? I think alot of psychic's are really wasting their time with the whole telephone readings and stuff... Games of chance, there is where the real money is... provided of course that your psychich... or one of the Herman family.. Erin's family really has a knack for winning stuff.. So that'll be good for me in the future!

So that's all I got... At least... that's all your getting!!!! So HA!

Do... or do not. There is no try.

Yup I bet you already knew that quote! Yoda.. Yeah baby.. he's a taoist too!! Who knows maybe you are and you don't even know it!


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